Tuesday, January 12, 2010

01-12-10: The Insanity Called Airport Security

January 12th

Charlie Daniels 2009 "soap box archives!" Unrest in Iran - vindication of George W. Bush. Should the Tea Party movement morph into a 3rd party? Why do we put our lives in the hands of incompetent bureaucrats? The ‘buck stops' where?

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Exclusive: Brzezinski and CFR Promote Appeasement of Iran (Part One of Two)

William R. Hawkins

It should be remembered that the Islamic Republic came to power in Iran by overthrowing the Shah in 1979 while the Carter administration, in which Brzezinski was serving, sat on its collective hands.

A Confluence of Folly (Part Two of Two)

D. L. Adams

Our inability to accept the truth of the doctrine of those who want to destroy our people and our society is a staggering failure of epic proportions.

Exclusive: Is Muslim Blood More Precious than Christian Blood? The Hypocrisy of Western Politicians

Dr. Sami Alrabaa

The West is trying to fight the symptoms of Islamic terrorism, not its root causes. When are Western politicians going to wake up?

Exclusive: Can the System - As It's Being Run - Really Stop the Next Jihadist Attack?

Presidential Policy: Does It Make the Grade?, James Carafano, PhD

Should we blame the system? Or the people running it?

What do you think - post your comments - click here

The Insanity Called Airport Security

Paul Hollrah

Did the technology gurus at DHS and TSA really believe that the traveling public would accept the notion of being observed, essentially in the nude, each time they pass through an airport security checkpoint?

Death by 1,000 Cuts

Frank Gaffney, Jr.

The administration appears intent on applying an approach of inflicting myriad attacks on American sovereignty that will, over time, surely prove lethal to our Constitution and country.

Video: President's TSA Nominee Blames U.S. Relationship with Israel for Terror Threat
ACT NOW! Congressional Spending Waste in Copenhagen; 20 Members, All-Expenses Paid...
Video: President's TSA Nominee Worries About Those Who Are ‘Christian Identity Oriented'
Democracy's Wane..... The world is in a 'freedom recession.'
Video: Peter King - U.S. should stop at 'nothing to protect homeland'
Video: Beck and Caddell - We don't need leaders....we need teachers
McChrystal: Tide Turning against Taliban.

Exclusive: The Origin of Machine Politics, and What They Are Today

C. Austin Burrell

We face a real crisis today, and if you don't realize what a miracle it was that the United States created what it did, you are probably one of the ones who didn't take the Civics class in 9th grade.

Exclusive: You Can't Make This Stuff Up! (1/12/10)

You Can't Make This Stuff Up!

A daily roundup of idiocy, buffoonery and incompetence - courtesy of your government and its enablers.

In the Middle East, Conspiracy Theories Trump Eyewitnesses

Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman

Pakistan has been beset by suicide bombing attacks almost constantly for months now. You would think that the Pakistani public would be outraged, would recognize that they have a vicious internal enemy, and would want them crushed. Sadly, that's not the case.

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Al-Qaeda veterans 'are flooding into Yemen' (TELEGRAPH UK)
  2. Judge tosses out most evidence on Gitmo detainee (BREITBART)
  3. Obama plan funds nurse visits to new moms ..... Critics note cost, bigger 'nanny state' (WT)
  4. Irate Labor Leaders Press Obama on Proposed Health Care 'Cadillac' Tax (FOX)
  5. A Senator Urged Hillary Clinton To Drastically Increase The Number Of Visa Screeners Around The World (WT)
  6. Poll: Obama Health Care Marks Hit New Low (CBS)
  7. Stimulus? There's No Stimulus Here. The president wants to spend more, but don't ask him what the money is for. (WSJ)
  8. A Terrorist Goes Free - Apparently we do negotiate with hostage-takers. BY Bill Roggio
  9. False assumptions on counterterrorism are a dangerous basis for strategy. (HUMAN EVENTS)
  10. "Notional" Security" By Thomas Sowell
  11. Can Intelligence Be Intelligent? PowerPoint presentations will not win the war in Afghanistan. (WSJ)
  12. The Marriage Penalty in Health Care by Phyllis Schlafly
  13. The FBI: a counterterror success (NYP)
  14. McCain slams court decision (WT)
  15. Obama Must Know His Spending Yields Bankruptcy, Not Growth (DAVID LIMBAUGH)
  16. Tens of Thousands Sign Petition Urging Holder to Move KSM Trial from New York (CNS)
  17. Imagine Waugh writing about the Christmas bomber By: Michael Barone
  18. Desperate Dems try to Palinize Massachusetts Senate race By: Byron York
  19. Obama's Next Three Years (by JOHN BOLTON)
  20. Jewish group rips Islamic summit (WT)
  21. Education Secretary Has No Professional Classroom Teaching Experience (CNS)
  22. $222 Billion, Ho Hum - Another warning that reform 'bends the cost curve'-up. (WSJ)
  23. If it's war, act like it - O must doff kid gloves on terror (NYP)
  24. Jihadists Groom Children In The UK Under 10 (NAT. TERROR ALERT)
  25. Merry Christmas from the World of Islam By Joel J. Sprayregen

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