Thursday, January 7, 2010

Egypt: “No one has explained me convincingly why I’m deprived of the right to polyandry”

I think she has the right idea,, I think I would have lot's of fun with 4 husbands.

All the men I meet in REAL LIFE are loosers, and bums who try to use me.

So maybe I would have better odds at finding the "man of my dreams", if I could have 4 for myself!!!!



Thanks to Tea and Politics for this, fantastic woman's great idea!!!

Egypt: “No one has explained me convincingly why I’m deprived of the right to polyandry”

2010 January 7
Nadine Al-Bedair
Nadine Al-Bedair

No wonder this journalist has caused a storm in the Wahabbist kingdom:

Saudi journalist Nadine Bedair … penned an article for the Egyptian daily newspaper Al Masry Al Youm titled, “My Four Husbands and I.” Mmhm: “My Four Husbands.” You hardly have to read beyond the headline to forecast the shitstorm ahead — but, of course, you’d be missing out on her delightfully daring indictment of polygamy if you didn’t.

“Allow me to choose four, five or even nine men, just as my wildest imagination shall choose,” Bedair writes. “I’ll pick them with different shapes and sizes, one of them will be dark and the other will be blond.” Now them’s some fighting words. A common defense of polygamy within Islam is that it rescues widows and divorcees from their unfortunate plight by allowing men to welcome multiple women into their homes. But Bedair doesn’t buy it: “I have long questioned why it is men have a monopoly on this right. No one has been able to explain to me convincingly why it is I’m deprived of the right to polyandry.”

No wonder this is polemic in Egypt, Saudi Arabia…, so much polemic, they are actually accusing her of blasphemy. Anyway, ask for polyandry?? Imagine being married with four like this “strong, vigorous man”:


Yes, because women, according to Islamic tradition, should marry with strong, vigorous men: :mrgreen:

Ehh, no, thanks, better not… :shock:

Related: Saudi Woman Challenges Male-Only Polygamy, Accused of Blasphe

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