Tuesday, January 12, 2010

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals
The Stories Behind the News

Link to Sultan Knish

Israel's Muslim Problem is Not Unique

Posted: 11 Jan 2010 08:12 PM PST

The visit of Bulgarian Prime Minister Boiko Borissov to Israel
this week is a timely reminder that Israel's problems with Islam are not
unique. Like Israel, Bulgaria was ruled over by the Ottoman Empire, which
exported their population to Bulgaria, oppressed the native Bulgarians,
seized their lands and attempted to become the dominant majority. And when
the Ottoman Empire lost control over Bulgaria, it left behind a huge
Muslim population in Bulgaria.

The key difference between Bulgaria and Israel, is that
Bulgaria since the 1870's forced much of its Turkic Muslim population to
leave. As a result millions of Turkic Muslims left Bulgaria, leaving it a
quieter place than neighboring Yugoslavia or Russia, or for that matter
modern day France. Muslim clothing was banned, mosques were torn down and
lands held by the Ottoman Muslim settlers were returned to native

Today Bulgaria still has a troublesome Muslim minority
of under a million, led by Ahmet Dogan, and backed by Turkish
intelligence, which under Islamist PM Erdogan has branched out into
promoting Jihad, much as Pakistan had. But despite Turkish attempts to
intervene in Bulgaria, the country's Prime Minister, Boiko Borissov is a
staunchly anti-Muslim leader, who has challenged Turkey's EU bid over its
expulsion of Bulgarian in the 1920's.

Bulgaria is an example and a
warning not just to Israel, but to Europe, Russia, Australia, America and
many other parts of the world as well. Had Bulgaria not made life
uncomfortable for Muslims, its fate in the 1990's would have probably
resembled that of Yugoslavia, torn apart by foreign backed civil war and
then carved up by Clinton and Albright. That same fate is now overtaking
Israel and will overtake Europe as well.

That is because Israel's
Muslim problem is not unique. Israel, like so many other lands, was
overrun by Muslim conquerors who repressed the native Jewish population
and settled their own population in its stead. The only unique thing about
Israel's dilemma is that when the Ottoman Empire was defeated, Israel did
not receive its freedom. Instead a British Mandate that was supposed to
create a Jewish state, instead tried to create an Arab client state by
expanding Arab immigration to Israel, while restricting Jewish

Had Israel received its freedom after WW1 when its
Ottoman overlords departed, it would have never been overrun by Egyptian
and Syrian Arabs who were magically transformed into "Palestinians" in the
70's at the behest of the KGB. Nor would the Holocaust have claimed a
fraction of the lives that it did, had Israel existed as an independent
nation capable of taking in refugees, instead of having its ports shut to
refugees by a British Empire more interested in appeasing Muslims and
using them to establish client states under their control. And the
worldwide Jihad and Oil for Terror are the aftereffects of British and
American appeasement and coddling of Muslim desert sheiks then.

the past is in the past. The challenge of the future is to learn from it.
The long term effects of Muslim expansionism around the world has embedded
Muslim minorities in countries across Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and the
Middle East. Those minorities have always served as a local powder keg,
which is now being lit with the help of Saudi petrodollars. Now a new wave
of Islamic expansionism through immigration and Jihad is spreading even
into regions that had never known the tyranny of Islam such as Australia,
North and South America; as well as Europe where Islam had not succeeded
in taking root before.

The toxic brew of religious supremacism
and nationalist racism represented by Islamic expansionism is a threat to
nearly every country in the world, whether they choose to admit it or not.
And while Israel's troubles with Islam are more likely to become front
page news, because its presence some 700 miles from Mecca is a perennial
thumb in the eye of the Jihad-- it is also the canary in the coal mine for
the rest of the world.

Islamism insures that Muslims cannot
co-exist with non-Muslims except under a harsh dictatorship. Which leaves
free nations with a choice between tyranny and removing the Muslim
minority within its borders. The absence of Islam within one's borders
does not guarantee peace, but the presence of Islam insures that conflict
will come sooner or later. The examples of that are unfortunately all too
numerous across the globe, across entire hemispheres where blood is being
spilled in the name of Islam. From suicide bombings to honor killings,
from Muslim insurgencies in the countryside to Islamist parties creeping
in from within, from Sharia at the point of a sharpened knife to riots in
the streets-- where there is Islamism, there can be no

Israel's great mistake was its belief that it could co-exist
with Muslims, and for its entire existence has bent over backward to
accommodate them. From accepting the UN Partition Plan to sending troops
to urge fleeing Arabs to return to Israel, to leaving the Temple Mount in
Muslim hands, to the entire disastrous attempt to negotiate a peace with
terror by agreeing to the creation of a terrorist state within its
borders-- Israel's folly has been to seek peace with an ideology that uses
the promise of peace as a lure to convince you to cut your own

Where Islam exists in a nation, it will sooner or later
either be suppressed or it will come to dominate. That is a scenario that
every nation with a Muslim minority must understand and address, or it
will become a Muslim nation with the native population reduced to an
oppressed minority or butchered in the night. A totalitarian ideology
cannot be made peace with. Either you will defeat it, or it will defeat

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