Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Heroes in Dark Times: The Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam

The Phyllis Chesler Organization

Heroes in Dark Times: The Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam

by Phyllis Chesler

Pajamas Media

January 6, 2010

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And now, reality has become somewhat Scandinavian. It grows dark early and is bitterly cold in New York City; I am told this is the case all over our fair land. Our Prince of Peace (The Norwegian Nobel, not the noble variety) is not yet asking whether "to be or not to be." Perhaps he is not entirely convinced that "that is the question."

Meanwhile, a mad jihadist has just tried to kill our brave Danish "Muhammed" cartoonist Kurt Westergaard and his little granddaughter in the cartoonist's own home—and Lars Vilks, the Swedish "Muhammed" illustrator, has also just been threatened with death by jihad by a Somali who spoke to him in "accented Swedish."

You see what I mean by a "Scandinavian" reality.

Surely, it is a time of rogues and scoundrels, death-eaters and their death-loving collaborators—and yet it is also a time of heroes. Let us talk about some good deeds, acts of kindness and of those of great vision. Such tales will keep us warm.

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