Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Imam allegedly issued Fatwa saying, killing people in Toronto was Islamically correct for his son

thanks to the awesome Tarek Fatah, for this

Imam allegedly issued Fatwa saying, killing people in Toronto was Islamically correct for his son
Police agent Shaher Elsohemy testified that the 34-year-old Mississauga man told him he had sought advice from his father, who operated an Islamic school, about whether "physical action in Canada, an attack on Canadian soil" was permissible under Islamic law. "His father told him there's nothing wrong with it, in other words it's acceptable," said the Crown's star witness. "And if civilians happen to be there, that is their destiny." Abdelhaleem's moral conscience was eased after his father, Tariq Abdelhaleem, issued a fatwa, or religious ruling, explained Elsohemy.


Tariq Abdelhaleem is an Imam whose son is accused of planning to blow up the Toronto Stock Exchange building. This father is now alleged to have issued a fatwa that said killing innocent Canadians in an act of terror was okay from an Islamic point of view.

I guess, what is a few dead 'kufaar' in the quest for 72 virgins in Paradise?

The court heard that it is only after this alleged Fatwa that the son, Shareef Abdelhaleem felt comfortable in planning an act of terror that would have resulted in the death of innocent civilians.

The question is this: why hasn't this imam, Tariq Abdel Haleem, father of the alleged terrorist Shareef Abdelhaleem, been charged with inciting an act of terrorism?

I remember this man in 2007, protesting his son's innocence, once asking rhetorically, why would his rich Egyptian-born son who drove a BMW, mix with the rest of the Toronto-18 riff-raff that were mostly from Indo-Pakistani ancetsry?

In 2007, this is how the Toronto Star reported on Tariq Abdelhaleem:

The father of one of the accused, Tariq Abdelhaleem, doubts the two police moles were passive observers, but rather took instructions from the agencies to entrap the young men and encourage the alleged crime. "These guys spent two years talking and nothing happened," said Abdelhaleem. "And then these two spies appear and things begin to happen. "The whole case that the RCMP and CSIS have put together is a mockery – there's no substance," said Abdelhaleem, an engineer who moved to Canada 20 years ago. "These guys are innocent," he said of son Shareef and his co-accused. "The truth will come out eventually, but only after they've spent years in jail and wasted years of their lives."

Now, we are told in the court, the man who was protesting his son's innocence, had in fact issued a fatwa permitting his son to blow up innocent Canadians, allegedly saying, it was ok Islamically to commit mass murder in Toronto.

Why is this man not charged yet? Let him have his day in court.


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