Wednesday, January 6, 2010

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Action Alert: Support Geert Wilders

Posted: 05 Jan 2010 07:29 PM PST

GEERT WILDERS' trial is two weeks away (it is scheduled to take place January 20, 2010). Geert is on trial in Amsterdam for "inciting hatred against Islam." This is our final opportunity to give him our support. (For more information about Geert's trial, read an Update on Geert Wilders, watch an Interview With Geert Wilders, or read this article on what Wilders is charged with and why.)

The international organization, SITA Action, wrote the following about the upcoming trial: The international establishment, subverted by a variety of Islamic organizations including the OIC (Organization of Islamic Conference) will undoubtedly apply a great deal of pressure on the Dutch establishment to ensure that Geert Wilders is convicted on the charges that have been cunningly brought against him. It is likely that his party will win the next election in 2011 with the possibility of Mr Wilders becoming Prime Minister. The global establishment (especially the influencial Islamic element) does not want Mr Wilders in such a position of influence, even if the people of the Netherlands do.

An SITA action in support of Geert Wilders was established in late January 2009. It has received wide support and generated hundreds of letters designed to educate and inform decision makers in the Netherlands. The Dutch Ministery of Justice even visited our SITA websites:

SITA action is now reactivated to highlight this apparently politically-motivated prosecution. If Geert Wilders falls, freedom of speech is dead in Europe.

There are three ways that you can participate:

1) By mail – two possible texts; one comparing Wilders to Winston Churchill and another comparing him to Charlie Chaplin (follow either link, and you will find instructions about what to print and put into the envelopes and who to send them to).

2) By putting a message in comments to articles talking about the trial of Geert Wilders in blogs. This message appears at the bottom of this page in 4 languages: FR, ENG, SP, D. So in other words, search Google for "Geert Wilders" and add those pre-written statements into the comments on the blogs you find (or add your own comments).

To support Geert Wilders and our dearly acquired freedoms, please participate in the two suggested actions, and share this message with your friends, especially those who have websites or blogs so they can help spread the word.

3) By giving some money. To donate:

Take action right away for the greatest impact. Geert needs our help, and he deserves it.

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