Monday, January 4, 2010

Ridiculous Trial of Navy SEALs to Proceed

Ridiculous Trial of Navy SEALs to Proceed

2010 January 4

Fallujah, Iraq, 2004

According to media reports, it now looks like Ahmed Hashim Abed will get his revenge in a military court.

Abed was the mastermind of the 2004 ambush and slaughter of four American security contractors whose charred bodies were later hung from a bridge in Fallujah. Three Navy SEALs—Special Warfare Operators 2nd Class Matthew McCabe and Jonathan Keefe, and SO1 Julio Huertas—are each facing court martial and prison time for allegedly “roughing up” Abed when they captured him in a daring raid last September.

In one of the most ironic twists to the story, they will be tried in a military court, where they will have less rights than Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, whom President Barack Obama’s Justice Department has decided to try in a civilian court; a decision that will offer one of al-Qaeda’s top operatives Constitutional rights which will be unavailable to three elite members of this nation’s military!

The SEALs are facing the full wrath of a U.S. military court because of Abed’s complaint that he was punched in the stomach and given a fat-lip after his capture. This is exactly the kind of allegation one would expect from a captured al-Qaeda trained terrorist—a tactic that counter-terrorism experts have deemed to be right out of the al-Qaeda training manual.

The U.S. Government, however, seems determined to make an example of these three SEALs. In pursuing its legal action against the SEALs, the Government will, if successful, effectively tie the hands of our troops risking their lives to ensure the safety of the citizens of this country.

Despite immense pressure from certain members of Congress and a huge public outcry in support of the SEALs, officials are not backing down, and in a public relations shift, are focusing less on the alleged abuse and more on the ensuing “cover-up” of that alleged abuse.

Army Maj. Gen. Charles T. Cleveland explains the administration’s position:

While the assault and resulting injury to the detainee were relatively minor, the more disconcerting allegations are those related to the sailor’s attempts to cover-up the incident… The abuse of a detainee, no matter how minor, creates strategic repercussions that harm our nation’s security and ultimately costs the lives of U.S. citizens… I must ensure that the service members under my command abide by the laws passed by Congress and follow the lawful orders of their superior officers.

In other words, U.S. military personnel will be held to the strictest standards, while terrorists will not only be exempt from all standards, they will be accorded certain rights which will not be available to those Americans on the front lines in this perpetual war against Islamic “man-made-disasters,”—no matter what atrocities are committed by those terrorists.

For those readers left wondering when Abed is going on trial and face punishment for his part in the murder of those four security contractors back in 2004, there are no immediate plans to try him at present.

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