Monday, January 4, 2010

UK: British Muslims for Secular Democracy (BMSD) to Counter Anti-Democracy Group Islam4UK Protest

UK: British Muslims for Secular Democracy (BMSD) to Counter Anti-Democracy Group Islam4UK Protest

January 4, 2010
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.)

British Muslims for Secular Democracy (BMSD) states that it will counter the planned march by anti-democratic group Islam4UK in Wooton Bassett:

"British Muslims for Secular Democracy (BMSD) is alarmed and disappointed to learn that the extremist group Al Muhajiroun, in the guise of 'Islam4UK,' are planning to hold a procession through the streets of Wootton Bassett. This choice of venue is deliberate and designed to cause maximum offence and distress -- particularly to the friends and families of fallen servicemen."

"The vast majority of British Muslims -- irrespective of their diverse views on particular armed conflicts -- recognise that British soldiers continue to serve admirably in difficult circumstances, to make our country safer for all."

"We deplore the politicisation of Wootton Bassett by reactionary political leaders, including Nick Griffin's attempt to hijack a homecoming service last year to promote the BNP. We equally oppose this stunt by 'Islam4UK,' a group which organised a 'Magnificent 19' Conference in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 to praise the suicide murderers."

BMSD will therefore write to “Islam4UK” later this week, urging them to cancel their protest and respect both the neutrality and military tradition of Wootton Bassett. In the event that 'Islam4UK' decides to proceed with its demonstration, BMSD plans to arrange a counter-protest along with a broad coalition of our partners."

"Dr Shaaz Mahboob, Vice Chair of BMSD, says: “We stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Wootton Bassett and the Armed Forces. The vast majority of British Muslims accept our Armed Forces are doing an admirable job under exceptionally difficult circumstances. It is only because of the sacrifice of these brave soldiers that extremists like 'Islam4UK' are able to protest freely. Anjum Choudary and his followers betray everything this country stands for and the very constituency they claim to represent, which is ordinary British Muslims. We plan to hold a counter-protest to demonstrate that ordinary Muslims are deeply opposed to the values of Islam4UK."

"For details please visit
For any further queries, please contact: Dr Shaaz Mahboob on or 07961365751 or Tehmina Kazi on 0207 631 4175"



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