Sunday, January 10, 2010

[ news] January 10, 2010 - Newslinks

January 10, 2010 - Newslinks

Pakistan: US airstrike kills five in Pakistan

Pakistan: "Fazlullah will not surrender until Sharia implemented"
-- Pak troops kill Fazlullah aides, suicide attack injures six

Pakistan: Fifty militants arrested in Kohat and Darra Adam Khel

Pakistan: 7 cops injured in suicide attack\01\10\story_10-1-2010_pg7_22

Pakistan's support vital to Afghan solution: Miliband

(Afghanistan/Pakistan) Jordan bomber long aspired for jihad: relatives

Afghanistan: How this suicide bomber opened a new front in Al-Qaeda's war
-- "Our James Bond": Quotes on Jordan double agent

Afghanistan: British Journalist, U.S. Soldier Killed in Blast in Afghanistan
-- Afghan blast kills Sunday Mirror correspondent

Afghanistan: UK's Miliband denies secret talks with Taliban\01\10\story_10-1-2010_pg1_3


(U.S.) Continuing Reports on Abdulmutallab Foiled Terror Plot

January 10, 2010 Abdulmutallab Reports

-- London Times: "Human rights gagged MI5 over Abdulmutallab - Intelligence on Muslim radicals cannot be passed to the US because of privacy fears"
--- London Times: "MI5 failed to alert America to intelligence highlighting the extremist links of the Detroit plane bomber because of concerns about breaching his human rights and privacy."
--- "MI5 has privately conceded that as early as 2006 its surveillance operations had picked up 'multiple communications' between the 23-year-old Nigerian student and suspected terrorists in Britain."
--- "Asked why that information had not been passed to the US, a Home Office official with detailed knowledge of the case said the security service did not pass information to its allies about the thousands of Britons who were merely suspected of having radical Islamic views."
--- "An investigation by The Sunday Times has found that dozens of Britons have travelled to the impoverished Arab country and stayed at colleges linked by US authorities to Al-Qaeda. While many attend the institutions legitimately to study a hardline version of Islam, some end up supporting the jihad."

-- Report blaming misspelling for letting terror suspect on flight contains errors

-- FBI Tracks Abdulmutallab's Steps in Ghana

-- What the US knew about Al-Qaeda plot


(U.S.) Report: Radical Imam Detained at JFK Airport in 2002 -- Anwar al-Awlaki,2933,582705,00.html

(U.S.) Rehab failures put camp closure at risk

UK: Jihadists groom children in the UK under 10
-- London Times: "Police have identified children as young as seven being groomed for terrorism, with some expressing a wish to become suicide bombers."
-- "Up to 10 primary school pupils, aged between seven and 10, have been placed on a government outreach programme for individuals considered at risk of being radicalised and turning to violence."
-- "Some have taken inspiration from jihadi websites or after viewing extremist material in Islamic bookshops."
-- "One child was referred to the programme by his teacher after writing on a school book: 'I want to be a suicide bomber.' "
-- "At least 228 people, mostly teenagers and young men aged 15-24, have been referred to the anti-terrorism Channel project after being singled out as 'potentially vulnerable to violent extremism' "
-- Police discover children as young as seven being groomed for terrorism

UK Muslim TV Channel Linked To Terrorism
-- "A London-based satellite broadcaster that describes itself as "the voice of authority for Muslims in the UK" has been accused of giving a platform to Anwar al-Awlaki, the extremist cleric with alleged links to al-Qaida and to the man charged with trying to blow up a transatlantic jet on Christmas Day."

(UK) Report: Islam4UK Group to be Banned Next Week
-- "Home Secretary Alan Johnson will use his powers to smash warped organisations run by hate-preacher Anjem Choudary"

Gaza: Palestinians claim IDF killed 2 in Gaza; army denies report
-- Medics: Two Palestinians killed in Gaza
--- Haaretz: "Witnesses said they had heard an explosion in the area but the source of the blast wasn't clear."
-- KUNA - "Israeli forces kill two Palestinians in Gaza"

Algerian forces kill 10 armed Islamists

"Yemen needs U.S. development aid to stop al-Qaeda"

Yemen: "Why it's wrong to rule out nation-building in Yemen"
--- Comment: Shouldn't "nation-building" begin with consistent support for unqualified universal human rights among the nation's leaders? Otherwise - what are we "building" exactly? This is problem with ALL of the OIC nations and their alternate universe code of human rights called the "Cairo Declaration of Human Rights" which only allows human rights based on Sharia. It is unacceptable for a nation that prizes our universal human rights of EQUALITY and LIBERTY for all - a truth that we hold self-evident, remember? Nation-building begins with insisting on support for UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS -- FIRST.
--- What does it take for us to LEARN the lessons from our failures in Paksitan?

Yemen president wants dialogue with al-Qaida
'We are ready to reach understanding with anyone who renounces violence'

Yemenis Consider Sending al Qaeda to Rehab

(Sudan) Deadline Nears For Sudan But Peace Seems Far

Togo abandon tournament after terror attack

Greece: Bomb explodes in central Athens, no one hurt

Australia: US raises full body scanners in fly-by visit over terrorism

Malaysia: Fifth Church Attacked, Failed Attempt on Catholic Convent
-- Six churches attacked in Muslim protests

Malaysia - Fourth church attacked in Malaysia as Allah row deepens

Philippines: Grenade hurled at cathedral in southern Philippines
-- AFP: "A grenade went off on Sunday outside a Catholic cathedral on a southern Philippine island which has seen bloody Muslim extremist attacks in recent years, the military said."

Other News:

(UK) Hizb ut-Tahrir: Member of Parliament Goodman Concerned about Govt Adviser's Links to Hizb ut-Tahrir
-- Express: "A Senior Tory has raised concerns about the appointment of a former Muslim student leader as a Government adviser on faith issues."
-- "Former Shadow Communities Minister Paul Goodman said he was worried about Wakkas Khan's links to hardline Islamist party Hizb ut-Tahrir"
-- "Mr Khan was appointed to the Government’s new 13-strong panel of faith advisers by Communities Secretary John Denham last week"
-- "Mr Khan is now the director of the Exploring Islam Foundation."

(UK) Guardian urges "Protect healthy extremism"
-- asking: "It is difficult to know where to draw the line, particularly when it comes to Islam: should groups advocating the recreation of the Khalifah (caliphate) – a unified Islamic government – be disbanded or denied university support?"

(UK) War march fanatic Anjem Choudary runs secret sharia weddings

(U.S.) 'Jihad' jitters at Metropolitan Museum of Art
--- NY Post:
--- "The Metropolitan Museum of Art quietly pulled images of the Prophet Mohammed from its Islamic collection and may not include them in a renovated exhibition area slated to open in 2011, The Post has learned."
--- "The museum said the controversial images -- objected to by conservative Muslims who say their religion forbids images of their holy founder -- were 'under review.' "

(U.S.) NJ: A 'Romantic' Now in Trouble Over an Airport Kiss

Iran's opposition spreads to heartland


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