Tuesday, January 5, 2010

[unitedstatesaction.com news] January 5, 2010 - UnitedStatesAction.com Newslinks (HTML)

January 5, 2010 - UnitedStatesAction.com Newslinks

Pakistan: Taliban brainwashes kids with visions of virgins

Pakistan: Militants blow up six shrines in Orakzai

Pakistan: Militants blow up Pakistan school: officials

Pakistani forces kill 5 militants, arrest 3 in Waziristan

(Pakistan/U.S.) US Terror Suspects Deny Al-Qaida Connection

'Pak terror groups have strategic intent to strike India'
-- Press Times of India: "Pakistan-based terror groups have a "strategic intent" to launch major new attacks on the Indian soil to trigger a conflict between the two countries, according to a US intelligence and security think-tank."
-- "In its annual forecast released today, Stratfor predicted that 2010 might see the US intensifying its drone strikes in Pakistan as the bulk of the al-Qaeda leadership is believed to be hiding there."

India - Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) - Google News Alert on "Mujahideen" Shows Hizbul Mujahideen Plans to Target "Badami bagh cantonment"
-- We have contacted the Hindustan Times, Express India, and India Defence news organizations on this

(Afghanistan) Taliban fighters killed by their own bomb

Afghanistan - MEMRI: "In New Video: Children, Teens Train Alongside Taliban Militants; Commander Mullah Sangeen Sees Off Taliban Fighters Headed for the Afghanistan Battlefield"
-- "including dozens of children and teenagers"

Afghanistan: Suspected Jordanian Bomber of CIA Base Deceived Family

Afghanistan: "CIA suicide bomber was... a blogger" -- Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi
-- "It appears al-Balawi, writing under the nom-de-plume Abu Dujanah al-Khurasani, ran the extremely popular jihdaist bulletin board al-Hesbah. Among al-Hesbah's many users, some were people connected to the London tube bombers and others high-ranking al-Qaeda members."
-- "Al-Balawi/al-Khurasani was also a prolific blogger — URL abudujanakharasani.maktoobblog.com — who, apparently, liked to daydream about a future caliphate"

Afghanistan: U.S. Retools Military Intelligence
-- US military chief brands Afghan intelligence mission 'clueless'
-- US military 'starved' of Afghan intelligence, says general

Afghanistan: Profile: Jordanian 'triple agent' who killed CIA agents

(U.S.) Intelligence Sources: 'Tens of Thousands' of E-mailers Corresponded With Radical Cleric Linked to Underpants Bomber and Ft. Hood Shooter -- Anwar al-Awlaki


(U.S.) Continuing Reports on Abdulmutallab Foiled Terror Plot

January 5, 2010 Abdulmutallab Reports

-- Washington DC Islamic Supremacist Imam Blames Christmas Day Terror Attack on U.S. and Israel
-- "Washington DC Imam Abdul Alim Musa: Attempted Christmas Day Plane Bombing - the Work of US Government and the Mossad"
--- Transcript
--- "Imam Abdul Alim Musa (born 1945; Clarence Reams) is a Muslim American activist and director of Masjid Al-Islam in Washington, D.C.. He is a member of the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT) and a well-known speaker around the world. He is founder and director of As-Sabiqun."

-- Bombing suspect provided 'actionable intelligence,' White House says -- after arrest
--- CNN: "The FBI attained "actionable intelligence" from bombing suspect Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab in the first hours after his arrest on Christmas Day, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Tuesday."

-- Obama: System Failed in 'Potentially Disastrous Way'
-- Obama: 'System failed' in a major way
-- Obama: Airline attack was preventable
-- Obama: U.S. Intelligence Should Have 'Uncovered' Christmas Day Plot

-- Netherlands: Suspected Plane Bomber Raised No Suspicion in Amsterdam, Prosecutors Say

-- When Did White House Know of Terror Attack Plot?
--- Newsweek talks about Saudi CT discussion of explosives being sown into underwear

-- Obama: U.S. Intelligence Should Have 'Uncovered' Christmas Day Plot
-- Obama vows changes to prevent future terrorism intelligence lapses
-- Obama to get update on terror plot inquiry
-- President Will Push Today for Intelligence Community to Constantly Challenge Its Assumptions
-- Obama to Meet With Security Officials, Unveil Reforms
-- Obama on impact on Guantanamo Bay Closure

-- U.K. Didn't See Suspect as Threat
-- UK: White House accuses Downing Street of making 'a mistake' over intelligence claim
--- Daily Telegraph: "The White House has accused Downing Street of making "a mistake" over allegations that Britain told American intelligence agents more than a year ago that the Detroit bomber had links to extremists."
-- Downing Street blunders over Detroit plane bomber
--- London Times: "Downing Street was today forced to retreat from its claim that MI5 warned US intelligence over the alleged Christmas Day plane bomber – in the face of a blunt denial from America."
-- Pressure on Barack Obama to reveal what Britain said about Detroit bomber
-- UK: Britain says had no warning of plane bomb plot

-- UK: Islamic Supremacist Hate Rants Found on Videos Sold in UK Bookstore Near Mosque - that was "regularly attended" by Abdulmutallab -- Anwar al-Awlaki

-- Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) report on CNN: "Muslim-American group criticizes TSA plan as profiling"
--- CNN: "Enhanced screening procedures for U.S.-bound air passengers traveling through "state sponsors of terrorism or other countries of interest" such as Pakistan, Yemen and Nigeria amount to religious profiling of Muslims, the Council on American-Islamic Relations said Monday."
--- "The Transportation Security Administration announced the strengthened security steps Sunday, saying that 'effective aviation security must begin beyond our borders.' "
--- "A senior government official, not authorized to speak on the record, provided CNN with the list of 14 countries subject to the enhanced screening for travelers heading to the United States: Cuba, Sudan, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Yemen."
--- "The new guidelines target 13 Muslim-majority nations and will 'disproportionately target American Muslims who have family or spiritual ties to the Islamic world,' the Council on American-Islamic Relations said, adding that the tougher measures 'amount to religious and ethnic profiling' "
--- CNN quotes CAIR's Nihad Awad -- "A TSA spokesperson, Kristin Lee, responded that 'TSA does not profile.' "
--- " 'As is always the case, TSA security measures are based on threat, not ethnic or religious background,' Lee said."
--- No mention by CNN of CAIR's leadership support for Hamas - same Nihad Awad quoted by CNN
--- No mention by CNN of CAIR's links to anti-freedom Muslim Brotherhood group
--- No mention by CNN of CAIR as an unindicted co-conspirator organization in the Holy Land Foundation terrorist financing trial (page 5, III.11)
--- Dallas Morning News: "FBI: CAIR is a front group, and Holy Land Foundation tapped Hamas clerics for fundraisers"

-- Nigeria: Govt Protests U.S. List of Terrorist Nations

-- US revoking 'additional visas'


(U.S.) Airport Scanners: Privacy Groups Say Slow Down

(U.S.) US Airport Security Teams Arrest 28 Following Terror Attempt
-- Newscore: "The U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) reported 28 arrests Tuesday for suspicious behavior or fraudulent documents in the wake of the failed Christmas Day airline terror attempt."
-- "Between Dec. 27 and Jan. 3 the TSA reported the discovery of 12 firearms and four concealed prohibited items at airport security checkpoints."

(U.S.) Deadlock Persists Over TSA Nominee

UK: Passenger profiling 'could be used in Britain', says Alan Johnson

UK: Passengers facing airport delays with start of new security code
-- London Times: "Full body scanners will be introduced at Heathrow within three weeks and the Government will consider profiling passengers. More sniffer dogs will be used and behavioural analysis will become commonplace under the revised code, Alan Johnson, the Home Secretary, said."
-- UK: New scanners break child porn laws

(UK) Belfast Telegraph: "MI5 'used blackmail to turn Muslims into informers'"

Iran: China dismisses UN Security Council debate on Iran sanctions

Iran accepts Clinton non-deadline on nuclear talks

(Iran) Newsweek: "Bin Laden's Daughter Might Link Al Qaeda to Iran"

Gaza: Man killed as IAF bombs Gaza terror cell
-- "Palestinian sources report three others wounded in Israeli attack on terrorist cell near Khan Yunis"

Gaza: "Egypt Steel Border Wall Could Choke Hamas in Gaza"

Israeli military cancels trip to Britain over arrest fears

Yemen orders troops into al-Qaeda strongholds

Yemeni officials, fearing backlash, play down partnership with U.S.

Yemen: US Reopens Yemen Embassy, Commends Counter-Terror Efforts
-- Yemen: US embassy reopens after terror scare

(Somalia) Food aid halted in Somalia's south over attacks

Denmark: Somali terrorist was role model for integration
-- "The Somali who tried to kill Kurt Westergaard this past Friday is Muhideen Jelle, according to the Kenyan media, or Muhudiin M. Geele. The Danish media now refer to him as MMG"
-- Lawyer claims terror suspect missing

France: Killer of Jewish DJ found insane - Adel Amastaibou
-- "Amastaibou, a 26-year-old French Muslim, stabbed Salem to death with a knife and fork in the basement of an apartment building they shared in November of 2003. He was arrested and discovered to be under the influence of marijuana."
-- "When interrogated Amastaibou said he had been 'under a spell' and that he was 'pleased by the death of that f-ing Jew' "

Italy: Bullets 'mailed to anti-terror judge'

Europol gets new capabilities to fight terrorism

Germany: Airline Cancels German Family's Flight Over Terrorism Joke

(Macedonia) Israel: Al Qaeda Eyeing Balkans for Bases
-- Lieberman: Balkans the Next Target of Worldwide Jihad

Colombia rebels, al Qaeda in "unholy" drug alliance -- FARC
-- Reuters: "Colombian guerrillas have entered into 'an unholy alliance' with Islamic extremists who are helping the Marxist rebels smuggle cocaine through Africa on its way to European consumers, a U.S. official told Reuters."

Philippines: Suspect pleads 'not guilty' to massacre murders

(Al-Qaeda) "Lurid details emerge of bin Laden's parenting"

Islamic Supremacist War on Women News:

Pakistan's acid attack victims pin hope on new laws -- another report
-- Daily Telegraph: "Pakistan is a conservative Muslim country, where women - especially in poor, rural areas - can be treated like commodities with little protection provided by the police and under pressure not to disgrace their families."
-- "Farhat was just 13 years old when a man threw acid in her face in 2003 because her parents refused to let him marry her."
-- "The attacker was sentenced to 12 years in prison and ordered to pay 1.2 million rupees (£8,882) in damages, but on appeal a high court reduced the damages and said the man could go free once the money was paid."
-- "Enraged, Farhat and ASF went to the supreme court - the first acid attack case to be taken to the highest court - where judges overturned the high court ruling within minutes."
-- "Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry took a personal interest in the case, and recommended that the government pass new legislation to control the sale of acid and increase punishment for acid attacks."

Somalia: Christian woman killed
-- "A Somalia Christian, 45 year old Amina Muse Ali was murdered in her home in Galkayo in Puntland region of Somalia on by three masked members of an militant Islamic group"
-- "The Overcomers (Somalia - December 2009)"

Ohio - Rifqa Bary Case: Examiner - "The trial to determine if Rifqa will become a ward of the state of Ohio is scheduled for January 28, 2010"

Other News:

Jamaica Will Monitor Extremist Muslim Cleric - Sheik Abdullah el-Faisal
-- AP: "A Jamaican-born Muslim cleric once jailed in Britain for urging the killing of Americans, Hindus and Jews will be a security concern for his Caribbean homeland when he is deported from Kenya, an official said Monday."
--- January 4, 2010: Kenya to deport Jamaican Muslim cleric

UK: Radical muslim cleric Anjem Choudary debates with dead serviceman's father

(UK) Police boss: Let 'hate' Muslim march go ahead -- Sir Hugh Orde
--- May 30, 2008 - Guardian: Time to talk to al-Qaida, senior police chief urges -- Sir Hugh Orde
--- May 30, 2008 - BBC: Britain 'could talk to al-Qaeda' -- Sir Hugh Orde

UK: Muslim mourners pay tribute to soldiers at Wootton Bassett as top officer says hate preacher 'DOES have right to march'

UK: "Seven go on trial over 'burn in Hell' insults to troops in Luton"

"Swiss Marinet Ban Threatens Christians In Muslim Countries–report"

(U.S.) Tawfik Hamid: "The missing 'balance' in US diplomacy with the Muslim world"

(U.S.) California: Vandalism, Hate Mail, and Burning of Qur'an in Costa Mesa

(U.S.) Ohio: Woman pleads guilty, apologizes for pulling Muslim woman's head scarf in grocery

Malaysia: High Court rules against Orang Asli Christians over village church

Malaysian Polygamy Club Draws Criticism

Daphne Burdman: "The Potential for a Democratic Islam" - focus on pluralism described in review of Bassam Tibi's book on "Islamist expansionism"

Iran warns protesters that they face execution -- "under Iran's Islamic sharia law"

Iran: Tehran professors decry handling of protesters
-- CNN: "Nearly 90 professors at Iran's oldest and largest university signed a letter to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, criticizing the government's violent handling of student protesters."

"N.Y. Yemenis: Don't compare us to Yemen-based Al Qaeda group that tried to blow up plane"

Ireland: Irish Greens Impose Blasphemy Law
-- Challenge to 'backward' blasphemy law
--- "Islamic states, led by Pakistan, are already using the wording of this Irish law to promote new blasphemy laws at UN level."

Against Racial Supremacism News:

Texas: White Supremacist Ku Klux Klan (KKK) Recruiting Letters Found in Mailboxes

Against Nazi News:

Florida: Jurors' questions revealed evidence, insight in Pasco neo-Nazi trial
-- murder case of Nazi John Ditullio


If reposting elsewhere, please credit source of this research as UnitedStatesAction.com


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