Saturday, January 9, 2010

[ news] Pakistan: CIA Suicide Bomber in Video Calls for Attacks on U.S.A.

Pakistan: Afghanistan CIA Suicide Bomber Balawi in Video Sought to Avenge Pakistan Taliban Islamic Supremacist Baitullah Mehsud

Scene from video claimed to be of Jordanian-Palestinian al-Balawi with current Pakistan Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud

Shown behind the black flag of the Islamic supremacist caliphate, Balawi vows to avenge the death of former Pakistan Islamic supremacist Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud

BBC News Report with Portion Imbedded Video of Balawi

From BBC portion of video: Balawi says he was offered "millions of dollars" to "spy on mujahideen..." "but I came to them... and I told them everything, and we arranged this attack so the Americans can understand that the belief of Allah..." "the fatwa that which we strike for can not be exchanged for all the wealth in the world." "This jihadi attack will be the first of the latest operations against the Americans and their drone teams outside the Pakistan border, after they killed the Emir of Tehrik-i Taliban Pakistan Baitullah Mehsud." "We as Muslims, as mujahideen... we never forget our martyrs, we never forget our prisoners... our jihad inshallah will continue until we free our prisoners and until the word of Allah is revered..."

In addition, Balawi appears to have also released a different video in Arabic to Al Jazeera, which is shown on YouTube.

Guardian reports that the Balawi video released to news agencies also stated "We will never forget the blood of our emir Baitullah Mehsoud. We will always demand revenge for him inside America and outside." The Guardian report also stated that Balawi said he "will not put his religion on the bargaining table and will not sell his religion." This appears to be based on the YouTube of Al-Jazeera voice over of the Arabic Balawi video, as reported by Al-Jazeera. AJ also reported that Balawi stated that: We say that we will never forget the blood of our Emir Baitullah Mehsud, God's mercy on him. To retaliate for his death in the United States and outside the United States will remain an obligation on all emigrants who were harboured by Baitullah Mehsud." CNN seems to have an excerpt of the same Arabic version of video.

The New York Times reported on Balawi's video stated: "The jihadist who follows God’s way does not put his religion up for auction. And the Jihadist who follows God does not sell his religion, even if they put the sun to his right side and the moon to his left side." The New York Times also reported that "Al Jazeera's Web site said that the video was released to the news organization on Saturday, and that it showed Mr. Balawi “shooting a gun as he describes how the attack would target U.S. and Jordanian intelligence agents.' "

AFP reports that a relative of Balawi confirmed that it was him on the video.

Additional List of Media Reports:

-- Voice of America: "Video Links CIA Bomber to Taliban Leader"

-- Aaj TV Online - Pakistan Ki Awaz: Footage shows CIA bomber with Mehsud
--- "Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud sitting beside him"

-- AFP: "'Jordan bomber' said CIA attack was 'revenge:' video"
-- AFP reports: "A relative later confirmed to AFP in Jordan that the man shown in the video was indeed Balawi -- a Jordanian of Palestinian origin who moved with his family to Jordan after Iraq's 1990 invasion of Kuwait. In the video Balawi is shown holding a weapon and sitting alongside another individual wearing an Afghan headscarf with a black banner bearing a Koranic verse in the background."

-- AP: CIA bomber calls for attacks on U.S. in video

-- Bloomberg: CIA Triple Agent Bomber Says in Video His Attack Was Revenge

-- CNN: CIA 'suicide bomber' vows revenge in new video

-- Reuters: Pakistan Taliban leader Hakimullah in CIA bomber video

-- BBC: 'CIA bomber' shown vowing revenge

-- NYT: Bomber That Killed C.I.A. Officers Said to Be Shown in Video

-- Guardian: Killer of CIA agents in Afghanistan calls for revenge

-- Dawn: CIA bomber shown on TV with Hakimullah Mehsud

-- AJ: CIA attack 'revenge for Mehsud'
--- Balawi: "We say that we will never forget the blood of our Emir Baitullah Mehsud, God's mercy on him. To retaliate for his death in the United States and outside the United States will remain an obligation on all emigrants who were harboured by Baitullah Mehsud."


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