Monday, January 11, 2010

Yemen’s Deputy P.M Points Finger At the UK For Underwear Bomber

Yemen’s Deputy P.M Points Finger At the UK For Underwear Bomber

2010 January 10

As a cop I was always fascinated, and sometimes cynically amused, when members of a criminal conspiracy began to point their fingers at each other in order to get off the hook in an investigation or a prosecution. Anyone who follows Court cases on TV knows that quite often members of the conspiring group end up testifying against their friends at trial in exchange for big “breaks” in their charges or sentencing.

So, it was with similar amusement that I read a report this morning by Special Correspondent Haley Sweetland Edwards of the Los Angeles Times in which Yemeni Deputy Prime Minister Rashad Alimi claimed during a January 7 press conference that the Christmas Day jihad bomb attack by Nigerian Muslim Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253 during its approach to Detroit from Amsterdam should actually be attributed to Abdulmutallab’s Islamic radicalized training in – London.

Gosh. After his arrest and while Abdulmutallab was still talking to authorities, that is to say prior to him lawyering up via invocation of the Fifth Amendment and Sixth Amendment Rights now so generously afforded by our own U.S. Supreme Court and the Department of Justice (D.O.J.) to bonafide Soldiers of Islam, Abdulmutallab said he got his al-Qaida training and explosive shorts in – Yemen.

Well, now. If I understand Alimi’s accusation correctly, he wants us to believe we have a new de facto Terrorist-Sponsoring State to add to our list – England. Regrettably, after watching the ongoing Islamization of the U.K. for a few years now, I think Alimi actually may have a case.

Here’s the Times’ report:

“Reporting from Sana, Yemen – A senior Yemeni official downplayed his nation’s connection to the Nigerian Islamic militant suspected of trying to bomb a Detroit-bound Northwest Airlines flight on Christmas Day, saying the man became an Al Qaeda militant in Britain, even though he met with a radical cleric in Yemen shortly before allegedly undertaking his alleged mission.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab joined Osama bin Laden’s group while living in Britain from 2005 to ‘08, Yemeni Deputy Prime Minister Rashad Alimi told reporters Thursday in Sana, the capital. “The information we have is that Umar Farouk joined Al Qaeda in London,” he said.

At some point, the onetime engineering student and the son of a wealthy Nigerian banker set off alarm bells in Britain, which didn’t allow him to reenter the country. “But Yemen didn’t get that intelligence,” Alimi said.

Alimi’s comments were the most detailed public explanation so far by government officials of Abdulmutallab’s connection to Yemen.

Yemen has come under scrutiny since the thwarted bombing, which has heightened concern about whether the impoverished Arabian peninsula nation of 23 million is a burgeoning haven for militants. Alimi acknowledged that Abdulmutallab met with radical Yemeni cleric Anwar al Awlaki last fall at a remote meeting place in Shabwa province that has since been destroyed.

But Alimi said Abdulmutallab didn’t receive the explosives in Yemen. He noted that the man also passed undetected through Nigeria, Ethiopia, Ghana and the Netherlands before boarding the flight from Amsterdam that he allegedly tried to blow up with explosives hidden in his underwear. Passengers helped foil the attempt…

…Western analysts have accused the government of Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh of ignoring the growing threat of Al Qaeda while concentrating resources on suppressing a Shiite Muslim uprising in the north and a separatist movement in the south. But Alimi said Yemen had made the Al Qaeda threat its No. 1 security concern…”

Years ago the UK government and many of its European counterparts opened their borders to Muslim immigrants, believing that cultural relativism would eventually result in the newcomers being assimilated into British culture and morphing from loyal Muslims into loyal British subjects. It was a Trojan horse, foks. No such assimilation has occurred.

Under the relentless pressure of Stealth Jihad, the U.K. has made incremental concessions to Muslim demands for Courts of Muslim Law (Sharia Courts), which now operate side by side with the British Courts. England tried to block by arrest and deportation a speech in the House of Lords by Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders. Yet the Home Office allows the Muslim Imam Anjem Choudary free reign in his ongoing public rants calling for the Muslim conquest of the U.K. and the imposition of Sharia on the British people.

So, I will agree with Yemen’s Deputy Prime Minister Alimi. He does by inference have a provable case:

England is now a breeding ground and training camp for the export of jihad throughout the world.

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