Friday, July 2, 2010

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Geert Wilders Update July 1st - 2010

Posted: 01 Jul 2010 12:26 PM PDT

GEERT WILDERS' Freedom Party, on a platform to ban the Koran and mosque-building, defied election polling data and boosted him from 9 to 23 seats in the June, 2010 general elections in the Netherlands. "Mr. Wilders’s rise as leader of what is now the No. 3 party in the Netherlands is considered a bellwether of a surlier sentiment in a country traditionally tolerant but now anxious over Muslim minorities." (From a Christian Science Monitor article.)

Geert Wilders' party did very well June, took 31 seats, up from 22 in the last Parliament. “More safety, less crime, less immigration and less Islam is what the Netherlands has chosen,” Mr. Wilders told supporters as the results were being announced late Wednesday. “We would love to govern. I don’t think other parties can ignore us.” (From
a New York Times article.)

Who is Geert Wilders? He is the creator of the film, Fitna, and is on trial in the Netherlands for inciting hatred against Islam. He is a member of the Dutch Parliment and has called for, among other things, a ban on Muslim immigration into the Netherlands.

The criminal proceedings against Geert Wilders will continue in October of this year. The dates of absence of the people involved in the proceedings prevent the case coming up for trial sooner. The last expert-witnesses was heard on the 28th of June.

Watch a video to see Wilders give a speech in California: Wilders' Speech.

More info: Wilders On Trial.

Fitna, the Movie

Posted: 01 Jul 2010 12:01 PM PDT

Watch Geert Wilders' controversial fifteen-minute film, Fitna: Watch the film.

In Robert Spencer's excellent book, Stealth Jihad, he makes the following points about Fitna:

1. "Fitna" means upheaval or discord in Arabic.

2. The film visually links Islamic teachings with violence.

3. Many Muslims around the world objected to this film by protesting and demanding the violent death of Wilders because that's what their Islamic teachings tells them to do.

4. The film is mostly scenes of Muslims committing violence interspersed with quotes from the Qur'an giving clear commands to commit just such violence, and clips of modern-day Jihadis justifying their acts of violence with references to the Qur'an's clear commands.

5. Oddly enough, by doing this film, Geert Wilders is labeled a hate-monger. Yet the ones doing the hating on the film are the Muslims themselves. No wonder this film bothers them so much. As Spencer wrote, "It was not Wilders, but the many Muslims he shows in his film, who link Islam with violence. And that link has already been made innumerable times around the world — by Islamic jihad warriors, not by non-Muslim 'Islamophobes.'"

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