Saturday, July 3, 2010

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Chronological Order of the Qur'an

Posted: 02 Jul 2010 05:38 PM PDT

ONE OF OUR readers offered me a PDF document to put on Citizen Warrior. It would be useful for you if you have a copy of the Qur'an that hasn't been put in chronological order (it adds a lot of clarification to the Qur'an if you can read it in chronological order).

If you haven't bought a Qur'an yet, I recommend
An Abridged Koran (read why). Here's what our contributor sent along with the PDF document:

Inspired by you I bought the Qu'ran. But after I ordered I realized that the version I bought was in the traditional order from longest to shortest. So I went to wikiislam and used a table there to make a PDF that I could print out and put into my book next to the contents.

I am attaching the file. It is almost too simple to offer to people but if you want you can put it on your homepage for people who already have a qu'ran which is not in chronological order. They should print the file and specify to print on both pages. In the file there are 4 tables in the order 4,1,2,3. If people print it with "print on both pages" turned on, they should get a small booklet with the chronological contents.

Get your Chronological Order of the Qur'an here.

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