Thursday, July 1, 2010

What Elena Kagan Ought to Know About Her 'Hero' Aharon Barak

The Phyllis Chesler Organization

What Elena Kagan Ought to Know About Her 'Hero' Aharon Barak

by Phyllis Chesler

Fox News

July 1, 2010

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Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan might be shocked if she knew a bit more about Aharon Barak, the former president of the Israeli Supreme Court, and the man whom she strongly and warmly praised during her confirmation hearings this week.

Kagan described Barak as the "John Marshall of the state of Israel because he was central in creating an independent judiciary for Israel, a young nation threatened from its very beginning in existential ways and a nation without a written constitution." She admired Barak for ensuring that Israel would become a "very strong rule of law nation."

Barak has been viewed in conservative circles as an unacceptably "activist" judge, but he has also been viewed as a "hero" among liberals for his record on civil rights, mainly for Palestinians and for Israeli Arabs.

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