You can't spell "accountability" without "A," "C" and "T." But in Washington, government officials routinely get away with "taking personal responsibility" by mouthing empty words devoid of action. Heads nod in collective agreement that mistakes were made. But heads never roll. The Obama administration has raised this accountability charade to an art form. by Michelle Malkin While the Solyndra shenanigans continue to be pored over, Energy Secretary Steven Chu claimed ignorance of the problem, a popular position for administration appointees. |  Read Contributing Editor J. Christian Adams' SHOCKING new book! Buy it here     | | 1. Politicians Who Arrive in Washington as Men and Women of Modest Means Leave as Millionaires. Why? By SARAH PALIN 2. VIDEO: ‘Patriotic Millionaires' Demand Higher Taxes, But...Are they Willing to Pay Up When Asked? 3. VIDEO: County Exec Feeds Seniors Slop to Pay Enormous Severance Packages, Pamper Himself 4. VIDEO: OWS Protesters Chant ‘Follow Those Kids!' as Small Children Try to go to School on Wall Street...Tiny Tots, Some as Young as 4, Overwhelmed by Hostility 5. VIDEO: Iranian Nuke Attack on U.S. Easy as ‘EMP'? 6. VIDEO: Senate To Hold Hearing On Insider Trading 7. VIDEO: Egyptian Pres. Candidate: Osama bin Laden a Martyr Who Spoke ‘the Word of Truth With Power' 8. VIDEO: Pilot Gets Stuck in Plane's Bathroom Prompting Terror Scare...Fighter planes alerted... 9. VIDEO: Taxpayers Unlikely to Recover Much From Solyndra Loan 10. FSM on the Radio - Tonight at 6pm Eastern - Iran's missile chief killed in an explosion - while U.S. Administration does nothing to stop Iran's nuke plans...  Amil Imani A former Muslim explains the aspects of Islamic doctrine and practice that led him to renounce his faith, claiming that the religion was based upon lies. |  Frank Salvato The media are quick to point out the personal baggage of GOP candidates and yet they hypocritically ignore more outrageous baggage of Democrats who are still holding office. |  Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman The modern world appears awash in sexual abuse and misbehavior. Are we losing our values, or is this a sign of something else? | alt=" "> Alan Caruba The congressional Super Committee, charged to deal with the debt crisis, has failed to reach a consensus. Could it ever have reached agreement? |  Alan Jacobs Juan Cole has a reputation for having an "alternative" take on world events. In practice, his lectures contradict facts and he acts as a spokesperson for dictatorships. |  Dr. Michael Ledeen Explosions at a base of Iran's feared Revolutionary Guards, combined with another at a military complex, suggest that there is a coordinated resistance to Iran's regime. |  Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi The Tunisian Al-Nahda party is frequently described as "moderate Islamist," as is Turkey's AKP party, But does this term have any real meaning? |
|  Immigration News Update Suspected Illegal detained at "Occupy Oakland" sparks anger, and in a tunnel under the porous southern border, 17 tons of marijuana are discovered. | | |
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