Remember the sharia cop in Canada who strong-armed a rabbi into
cancelling my talk at his shul? You didn't think I was going to just let
it go, did you? Inspector Ricky
Veerappan of the York Regional Police force’s Diversity, Equity and
Bureau, is currently under investigation for threatening Chabad Rabbi
Mendel Kaplan into canceling my speech. I will be giving testimony the
second week of August.

Fighting back! Police intimidation in Canada
Exclusive: Pamela Geller declares, 'This outrageous double standard has to end'
When a policeman uses the full force of the state to enforce the
Shariah at the cost of our constitutionally protected inalienable
rights, the West is in trouble. But that’s what happened last May in
Canada, when I was scheduled to speak at the Chabad Flamingo Synagogue
in Thornhill, right outside of Toronto’s city limits. Two of York
Regional Police’s “finest,” Chief Eric Jolliffe and Inspector Ricky
Veerappan of the force’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Bureau, threatened Chabad Rabbi Mendel Kaplan into canceling my speech.
Other Canadians wouldn’t stand for this, and my speech went on as
scheduled in another venue. And now I have even more good news. The
intrepid Canadian freedom fighter Ezra Levant was determined not to let
this police intimidation stand. He encouraged me to file a
complaint, and now our complaint against Inspector Veerappan has been
accepted for investigation. Our complaint against Chief Joliffe has been
forwarded to the York Regional Police Services Board for further
consideration – since he is chief of police, there are extra procedures
to go through.
Veerappan richly deserves to be investigated for his persuasion of
Rabbi Kaplan, who serves as a chaplain for the York Regional Police.
Back in May, he announced that if Kaplan hosted my speech as planned,
“then we’d have to reassess our relation with (Kaplan). Some of the
stuff that Ms. Geller speaks about runs contrary to the values of York
Regional Police and the work we do in engaging our communities.”
Values? The “stuff” that I speak about includes gender apartheid,
creed apartheid, Islamic Jew-hatred and honor killing. That runs
contrary to their values? What exactly are their values? Imposing
Shariah? Because that’s exactly what they’re doing. My value is life.
What’s theirs?
The Ottawa Citizen said
in an editorial, “The York Regional Police department should be
ashamed. … Whether the job threat was real, and whether anyone agrees or
not with Geller’s views, Veerappan’s conduct is appalling. Canadians
expect police to respect Charter provisions protecting freedom of
speech. They are not supposed to act as censors at the behest of a
particular community.”
And the incomparable Mark Steyn wrote:
“Thanks to the York Regional Police’s creepy and Orwellian ‘Diversity,
Equity and Inclusion Bureau,’ Canada is now a land where cops are sent round to synagogues to threaten rabbis
– all in the name of ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion,’ which must give the
old-school fascists a laugh at their Monday-night poker game in hell.
Jewish organizations north and south of the border ought to be up in
arms about this. According to Brian Sibley, Inspector
Ricky Veerappen, the head of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Bureau, is himself Muslim – which may or may not explain why he’s
strutting about like the Ontario branch of Saudi Arabia’s Mutaween.”
Steyn also pointed out the double standard:
“Pamela Geller, tireless campaigner against Islamic imperialism (and a
lady I had the honor of being introduced by at CPAC a few years back),
was scheduled to give a speech at a Toronto synagogue on May 13. Miss
Geller is not a convicted terrorist or terrorism-supporter or someone
who argues for the execution of all homosexuals. If she were, she could
speak at any Canadian venue with impunity.”
It’s true: The superb Canadian blog, Blazing Cat Fur, reported
at the time that my talk was canceled that “Imam Abdul Hai Patel, is a
chaplain with the York Regional Police. Patel, along with other members
of the Canadian Council of Imams in 2012, attended a conference in Saudi
Arabia sponsored by the Muslim World League.
The Muslim World League, as detailed below, has a long and sordid
association with terrorists. Do note well that the Muslim World League
operates WAMY – the World Assembly of Muslim Youth. WAMY was stripped of
status as a Canadian charity last year after it was discovered to have
funded terrorists.”
And the convicted terrorist and airline hijacker Leila Khaled, who is
known as the “poster girl of Palestinian militancy,” spoke via Skype in
early June at the University of British Columbia. Khaled has been
convicted of terrorism for participating in airline hijackings for the
Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a terrorist group.
She spoke at a conference hosted by a group supporting the Palestinian
This outrageous double standard has to end. It is good
that Veerappan is going to be investigated. Free people must not stand
idly by while our most basic, fundamental freedoms are silently seized
and destroyed.
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