“A nation can survive its fools, and even the
ambitious. But it cannot survive
treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less
formidable, for he is
known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor
moves amongst
those within the gate freely, his sly whispers
rustling through all the alleys,
heard in the very halls of government itself. For the
traitor appears not a traitor;
he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he
wears their face and their
arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep
in the hearts of all men.
He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and
unknown in the night to
undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body
politic so that it can no
longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor
is the plague."
~ Cicero ~
Brotherhood has a ‘significant presence’ in Canada, says study urging probe
into the terror group
Egypt has banned the terrorist
Muslim Brotherhood organization. And with yesterday’s landslide win for Abdel
Sisi in the Egyptian elections, the final nail is in their coffin in that
country .The UK has launched a terror investigation into the Muslim Brotherhood
in that country. And now Canada, quite rightly, is following suit. This report is making national
news today and deservedly so. CAIR-Can, now re-branded as the NCCM, and named as a Muslim Brotherhood
front, is on the warpath about this article.
Canada has a
significant presence of Muslim Brotherhood adherent individuals and
organizations. Their values and actions are frequently the antithesis of the
Canadian Constitution, values and law. Despite statements to the contrary, the
Muslim Brotherhood considers itself above local laws and national constitutions.
The Muslim
Brotherhood’s use of settlement and the “process of civilization jihad” have
proven effective. The long term aim is to globally impose a virulent form of
political Islam to the exclusion of other faiths or systems.
the Muslim Brotherhood is realigning under pressure as old alliances crumble
and opportunities arise. An aggressive posture is re-emerging which has used
extensive political violence in the past.
The policy and
process of denial is deeply rooted in the Muslim Brotherhood.
Brotherhood adherent groups should not be given governmental accreditation,
access to public grants nor should they have charity status.
Canada’s stance
against Muslim Brotherhood adherent organizations in recent years has been more
aggressive than the USA, especially in financial areas.
This explosive, incredibly detailed 200 plus page report about the
militant activities and foreign funding of the Muslim Brotherhood in Canada is
laid out in eleven sections. It was prepared privately by an independent
Ottawa-based security intelligence officer.
hundreds of footnotes, dozens of references and names, it presents frightening
detail about the extremist, ideological anti-West history, reach and agenda of
named individuals and groups who are effectively and systematically
infiltrating our mosques, campuses and political parties.
Muslim Brotherhood activities need to be probed
in Canada, report says
The Canadian government should consider investigating the activities of
the Muslim Brotherhood, which has entrenched itself in North America and
represents a greater systemic threat than al-Qaeda, according to a newly
released report on the group. “The aim of the group in North America is to
weaken and destroy the free and open societies within Canada and the U.S.A.
from within and replace them with the heavily politicized views of
[founder] Hassan Banna, Sayyid Qutb and the Muslim Brotherhood,”
according to the report, entitled The Muslim Brotherhood in North America
IN OUR MIDST: Various groups in Canada have
unholy ties with extremists
THE Government of Canada just announced it has listed IRFAN — the
International Relief Fund for the Afflicted and Needy-Canada (IRFAN-Canada) —
as a terrorist entity under the Criminal Code. IRFAN lost its charity status in
2011 after the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) found it transferred approximately
$14.6 million to various organizations associated with Hamas.
The domestic implications of the Brotherhood’s influence in Canada go
beyond funding terror abroad and the NCCM lawsuit. The mission of the
Brotherhood in the U.S. and Canada is hardly benign. According to the Ikhwan’s
"1991 Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group
in North America," the Brotherhood’s "civilizational jihad" in
North America is focused on "eliminating and destroying the western
civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house."
Jamal Badawi and Wael Haddara are two
important pillars of the Muslim Brotherhood infrastructure in Canada. Both were
members of CAIR-CAN Board of directors for ten years or so. Badawi was still
identified as a CAIR-CAN leader on the organization’s website on May 28, 2013,
while Haddara resigned his position on the Board on April 3, 2012.
On March 3, 2004, both of them were simultaneously on CAIR-CAN’s Board and on the Muslim Association of Canada’s Board. That day, MAC issued a press release
in which it openly endorsed Hamas. That was more than one year after the
Canadian government, Liberal back then, had added Hamas to a list of terrorist
organizations. The listing is available on Public Safety Canada’s website….
Canadian terrorist, who was a
senior Hezbollah member, killed by Syrian rebels
Fawzi Ayoub was a hijacker, international terrorist operative and senior
member of Hezbollah. He was also a naturalized Canadian citizen, but on Monday
Lebanese media reported he was dead, killed in an ambush by Syrian rebels. The
Lebanese-Canadian had been on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist list since 2009,
when he was indicted for using a false American passport to enter Israel “for
the purpose of conducting a bombing” for Hezbollah, according to his wanted
‘violent, ugly’ and politically charged art exhibit
The artist says her film shows assassinated Palestinian figures.
Israel’s embassy in Canada says it ‘reflects a culture of hate.’ The
Palestinian General Delegation to Canada has released a statement condemning
“Israel’s assault on Canadian free speech by attempting to censor a local art
exhibit by a Canadian artist depicting the brutal treatment of Palestinian
prisoners in Israeli jails.” (Other instalments in the exhibition focused on
the treatment of jailed Palestinians.) The statement continues: “The
Palestinian General Delegation applauds the brave decision by Ottawa City Hall
to reject Israeli censorship and uphold Canada’ free speech laws.”
Where were the “free speech laws” when NCCM (CAIR-CAN) tried to close
down the Ottawa Public Library because they didn’t like what Gavin Boby of the
Law and Freedom Foundation had to say about Mosques in February of 2013?
Always the double standard. Free speech for me but not for thee.
From Brunei to Boko Haram: Merely Deflection by Raheel Raza
Boko Haram's members justify their acts in
the name of Islam, and Muslim leaders are intimidated into silence. Add to this
a hatred for the West and its values, and you have an explosive combination of
violence and faith being pushed upon innocent civilians. It is our moral and ethical responsibility, as Muslims, to discuss and
debate these issues – even though they may be considered "our dirty
Muslim organizations in
North America who are followers of the Muslim Brotherhood ideology have
encroached on our system. If they are really concerned about the abducted girls
they must first reject the aspects of sharia that are creating monsters such as
Boko Haram. This means an open and impassioned rejection of the cutting off
hands, stoning, gender oppression and terms such as "armed jihad".
This means asking hard questions, such as "how can we live in the 21st
Century under archaic 13th century laws"?
African-Americans: Boko Haram just Enslaved
Africa's Children – Again
Slavery can be some sadistic thug standing over you, wielding a whip. Or
it can be a slick con artist selling you crystal meth. Both of them are after
your freedom, your body, your soul. They want you to be their slave.
Boko Haram and its ilk have been enslaving black people in Africa since
the rise of Islam in the 7th century. Ancient Islam arose from a desert raider
culture, which considered slaves taken in war to be legal. But long before
Islam, human beings enslaved each other, sometimes as individuals, and
sometimes en masse.
Where's the Dream Act for Meriam Ibrahim? By Mark Steyn
I don't think it's in the interests of Americans for thug states to
learn they can execute the spouses of US citizens with impunity. That will not
improve the security of Americans and westerners as they move around the world.
As I said the other day, the spouse of a US citizen is entitled to US
citizenship herself: It's essentially non-discretionary. So Mrs Wani is in
effect an American-in-waiting.
ISLAM’: Wife Set to Hang for Marrying Christian
Meriam Ibrahim, who has spent the past four months shackled to the floor
in a disease-ridden jail, gave birth five days early. The baby was born in the
hospital wing at Omdurman Federal Women’s Prison in North Khartoum and is said
to be healthy. An Islamic Sharia judge said she could be spared the death
penalty if she publicly renounced her faith and becomes a Muslim once more.
Meriam insists she has always been a Christian and told her husband she could
not ‘pretend to be a Muslim’ just to spare her life.
Horror in Pakistan: Pregnant Woman Stoned by Family
Those looking for the real war
on women–as opposed to the one promoted by the American left and their media
enablers—should focus their attention on Pakistan and Sudan. In the former
nation, a 25-year-old pregnant woman has been stoned to death by
members of her own family, with her father dubbing the atrocity an “honor
killing.” In the latter nation, a 27-year-old woman has been sentenced to death
for refusing to renounce her
Christian faith. She was also pregnant, and has given birth while awaiting her
sentence to be carried out. The common thread in both cases is as predictable
as it is disturbing: the religion of Islam and the endemic mistreatment of
women practiced by far too many of its followers.
Hundreds of migrants storm across Spanish border in North African
Hundreds of people forced their way though
razor-wire barriers into Spain's North African enclave of Melilla on Wednesday,
highlighting increasing pressure on a rare land-based route into Europe for
illegal migrants.
More than 1,000 stormed fences into the enclave at around 0400 GMT and
about 400 had managed to breach the border, the Spanish city's mayor Juan Jose
Imbroda said in a radio interview.
“The enemy can now access everywhere,” said MP
Mohamed Nor. In Somalia as in Nigeria, the Islamic jihadists can apparently
strike at will, with the government powerless to stop them. Another similarity
between these two countries is that al-Shabab, like Boko Haram, is an avowedly
Islamic group that proudly and unapologetically explains its motives and goals
by referring to Islamic texts and teachings, only to see the non-Muslim world
deny it all and insist that they must be motivated by something else.
UK: Terror-tied Muslim Mayor Threatens Islamic Riots and
Violence if His Illegal Election is Questioned
notorious terror-tied “Mayor” of Tower Hamlets, whose election was fraught with
fraud, corruption, graft and voter intimidation, is threatening violence and
riots if his illegal win is questioned by authorities. Will the British
authorities cave, yet again? This time surrendering not just free speech (as
they did in our case), but free and fair elections.
Francis: Mahmoud Abbas is a “Man of Peace”
In allowing himself to become
an instrument of Palestinian jihad propaganda, and spreading that propaganda
himself, the Pope has done a grave disservice to free people and aided and
abetted the genocidal jihad against Israel. The damage resulting from his trip
is impossible to calculate at this point, but it could be immense. Pope
Francis’s jaunt in the “State of Palestine,” was a tremendous show of support
for the jihad against Israel, and a dark day for the papacy, the Roman Catholic
Church, and free people everywhere.
Muslims must be honest about The Qur’an by Tarek Fatah
Muslims are caught in a conundrum. If the Arab general bin Qasim is our hero
for enslaving non-Muslim women in India in the eighth century, how could Boko
Haram be judged wrong for doing exactly the same in Nigeria today? All we
Muslims need do today is to echo Abdullah Yusuf Ali by saying, “what was
permitted in the seventh century, is no longer applicable in the twenty-first.”
But alas, neither honesty nor courage comes easy.
Islamaphobia or Fear of Islam with Bill Warner
is an imaginary mental disorder. Fear of Islam is a reality-based awareness.
Muslim Brotherhood’s role in the Civilizational Jihad against Canada –
Brian Lilley chats with Tarek Fatah

The Flying Inn by G. K. Chesterton: A 1914 Novel's Prescient Vision of
Exactly one century ago, the renowned British writer
G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936), called by his admirers the greatest writer and thinker of the twentieth century, published a
curious novel titled The Flying Inn. On the cusp of World War I, he imagined the Ottoman Empire conquering
Great Britain and imposing Shari'a law.
Monday, June 2, 2014
truth on the death of Ilan Halimi, victim of anti-Semitism in 2006 in France.
This movie is now difficult to see in France, as the truth is not politically
correct in a climate of fear. Movie in French, with English
subtitles. Sponsored by the Alliance Israélite Universelle – Canada.
Alexandre Arcady, the movie director, will be present.
8:00 p m. sharp
Cinéma Impérial
rue de Bleury, Montréal
office: 514-733-4998
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Time: 7:30 sharp
Location: Ruby Foos Hotel
Address: 7655 Decarie Blvd.
Metro stop: Namur (orange line)
Ticket Price: $15.00; free for
Free Parking
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
The news
items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on
our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on
events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this
information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services,
newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and
television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no
independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by
these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or
inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability
for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material
referenced in our emails or posted on our website.
newsletter is not the official newsletter or communication of ACT! for America,
Inc. This newsletter is independently operated by ACT! for Canada named on
this communication. The statements, positions, opinions and views expressed in
this website, whether written, audible, or video, are those of the individuals
and organizations making them and do not necessarily represent the positions,
views, and opinions of ACT! for America, Inc. or ACT! for Canada, its
directors, officers, or agents.
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