all too familiar from the Arab conflict with Israel have followed the
murder last Wednesday of a 16-year-old Palestinian, Mohammed Abu Khdeir.
Mourners at his funeral chanting the Muslim war-cry “Allahu Akbar” as
they carry the boy’s open coffin, the crowd shouting slogans like
“Intifada rise up” and “America and Israel are the terrorists,” banners
representing terrorist organizations like Hamas and Islamic Jihad waving
above the crowd, gangs of “youths” attacking Israeli police throughout
East Jerusalem, barrages of rockets fired from Gaza into Israel, and the
usual condemnations of Israel and calls for “restraint” from the
“international community” – all sadly are business as usual. And the
“business” is the demonization of Israel and the obscene double
standards indulged by too many in the West.
The Israeli authorities have quickly tracked down and arrested 6
Israeli minors as suspects in the killing, even as the killers of the
Israelis are still at large. Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin
Netanyahu said,
“We do not differentiate between terrorists, and we will respond to all of them.”
The speed of the arrest, and Netanyahu’s unequivocal identification of
the crime as an act of terrorism, should underline the differences
between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, which seemingly is making
little effort to hunt down the main killers of the 3 Israelis, and the
Authority’s political partner Hamas, which praised the killings. As
Netanyahu pointed out,
“The murderers [of
the Israelis] came from the territory controlled by the Palestinian
Authority; they returned to territory controlled by the Palestinian
Authority. Therefore, the Palestinian Authority is obliged to do
everything in its power to find them, just as we did, just as our
security forces located the suspects in the murder of Muhammad Abu
Khdeir within a matter of days.”
But Israel’s enemies are unlikely to draw the proper conclusion from
this contrast, or even take time to note how comparatively rare such
violence on the part of Israelis is compared to the thousands of
Israelis murdered by Palestinian Arabs over the decades. Rather,
moral and intellectual idiocy of the “cycle of violence” meme will
determine reactions to this murder on the part of those too lazy or
timid to choose a side, even as they hold Israel up to standards of
behavior and forbearance no other country would accept. But there are
good and bad sides in this conflict, and which side has the moral high
ground can be seen by comparing further the reactions of each to the
recent murders.
Listen, for
example, to the response of Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas to the
kidnapping of the Israeli teens, delivered at a meeting of the
Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Saudi Arabia: “Those who
kidnapped the three Israeli teenagers want to destroy us. First and
foremost [these teenagers] are human beings like us. It is our
responsibility to search for them and to return them to their families.
We will hold their kidnappers accountable, whoever they are.”
For those impressed by these comments, notice
that the first sentence condemns the kidnapping not as a moral evil or a
terrorist act, but as a tactical blunder damaging the Palestinian Arab
program of destroying Israel by “stages.” Bad p.r. is the problem, not
the evil of terrorism or the deaths of 3 innocent teenagers. This sort
of comment is consistent with Abbas’s past habit of joining general
condemnations of terrorist acts to complaints about their bad timing or
damage to Palestinian interests. Speaking of the Second Intifada and its
brutal terrorism, Abbas commented, “If we
do a calculation we will see that without any doubt what we lost was
big and what we gained was small.” Later, speaking out against a rocket
attack from Gaza, he said, “This is not the time for this kind of
attack,” which suggests there is a time for shooting rockets at women and children. That is, blowing up innocents is not wrong,
just inefficient at that particular time for achieving the long-term
goal of a Palestinian state that eventually will include the territory
of Israel.
But the larger context of Abbas’ crocodile tears is his own history
of complicity in Jew-hatred and terror, and the PA’s program of
genocidal incitement institutionalized in school curricula and popular
culture. This is the man who evidence suggests financed the 1972 PLO
massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, and who, according
to the mastermind of that attack, kissed the murderers on the cheek and
wished them luck. This is the man whose 1983 doctoral dissertation
claimed that Zionists collaborated with the Nazis to murder Jews in
order to create sympathy for creating the state of Israel, and asserted
that fewer than a million Jews had been murdered in the Holocaust. This
is the
alleged “moderate” who named a
public square in Ramallah after a terrorist who in 1978 killed 38
Israelis, including 13 children. This is the leader whose government
pays stipends to terrorist murderers and their families. And this is the
head of state who has welcomed the genocidal terrorist outfit Hamas,
which has praised the killing of the 3 Israelis, into his government.
If, as appears certain, members of Hamas murdered the Israelis, does
anyone believe that Abbas will “hold them responsible, whoever they
Now compare Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin
Netanyahu’s comments on the murder of the Palestinian boy before the
arrests of the 6 suspects: “We don’t know yet the motives or the
identities of the perpetrators, but we will. We will bring to justice
the criminals responsible for this despicable crime, whoever they may
be. Murder, riots, incitement, vigilantism — they have no place in our
democracy.” A categorical condemnation of violence, not a statement of
how such a crime harms his government or Israel, and a pledge quickly
fulfilled in the swift arrest of 6 suspects. One sees the same contrast
between Israel’s response to a brief anti-Arab protest, and the low
profile of the PA police – armed and trained, by the way, by the U.S. –
during the violence roiling Jerusalem and the West Bank:
Dozens of Israelis had protested in Jerusalem on Tuesday
night against the kidnap and killing of the Israeli teens, and there
were reports some had shouted ‘death to the Arabs’ at one of these
demonstrations. Jerusalem District Police deployed units to the field to
prevent the assault of Arab residents and police confirmed that there
was an explosive confrontation between inflamed protesters seeking
revenge and the Arab population.
Police forces managed to rescue eight Arabs from the mob and arrested
47 on charges of public disorder, attempted assault of Arab minors,
assaulting police officers, and property damage.
No major press reports of PA police helping the Israelis keep order
or arresting their own people for attacking Israeli citizens and police,
let alone actively seeking to find the murderers of the 3 teens.
Indeed, the U.S.-funded and trained force has over the years been
complicit in terrorist violence. And more recently, as part of the rapprochement between the PA and Hamas,
PA police officers were sent to Gaza. We can be skeptical that they are
there to prevent the various jihadist gangs from firing rockets against
Israeli civilians.
These obvious differences between the
responses to 2 heinous acts on the part of the people and governments of
each side demonstrate that in this conflict moral equivalence is moral
idiocy. The truth of history is that a people established under
international law on the land of their ancestors have been assaulted,
attacked, and invaded by the descendants of conquerors, colonists, and
immigrants. In the midst of this existential threat and level of brutal
violence against civilians, Israel has stayed true to its liberal
democratic foundations and moral code even as it defends itself against a
people filled with genocidal hatred. That many in the West cannot
acknowledge this simple fact and instead hide behind “cycle of violence”
evasions–– when they are not just indulging camouflaged anti-Semitism
that always blames Israel–– is testimony to the moral rot of a decadent
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