Naomi Wolf and the Sponsors of Mass Rape
I thought something looked familiar about Naomi’s press photo when she made her big announcement, with the lady not looking a day older than three decades ago when her first feminist bestsellers appeared, the latest being Vagina: A New Biography. That face… that thick black hair streaming in the wind …. looking upwards to a heroic future… Yes! It was the Soviet worker woman of the Thirties! Again. Yawn.
That iconic propaganda poster reappeared with Naomi’s public surrender to the Sheikhs, who must have been rolling on the carpets with laughter in their tents. The patriarchs of Qatar own and run Al Jazeerah. Like CNN, Al Jazeerah runs slick propaganda 24/7, and changes its propaganda line depending on the audience: Don’t ever believe Al Jazeerah in English, which is scripted to keep you convinced that the Sheiks of Araby are now enlightened liberals. Al Jazeerah is nothing but an expensive exercise in “taqiyya,” deception of millions of suckers as a weapon of absolute war.
Look at Qatar’s actions, not their words. Qatar is the biggest sponsor of mass murder, systematic rape, and slave raiding in the Middle East. Qatar is also considered to be this administration’s closest “friend” among the oil regimes of the Gulf.
If you want to know what Qatar pays for, look to these horrors, here and here and here. Or just type “mass rape,” “child slavery in Africa,” and “decapitation” into Google news, and you will get more than normal people can stand.
Naomi could not care less. Nor do other “liberals” who front for Islamic primitivism. Hillary Clinton takes Huma Abedin along wherever she goes, from the top levels of the US State Department to the Hillary Clinton campaign for president. Huma may control a big spigot of Islamist money for top Democrats like Carter, the Clintons, and the Obamas. Her whole family has grown up indoctrinated by the Muslim Brotherhood.
The slogan of MB goes “We want nothing more than to die in the way of Allah!” They forgot to tell you that, like Hamas and ISIS, they want to die for Allah while killing as many infidels are possible. That’s what ISIS is doing in the Kurdish town of Kobane right now, mass rape and murder, with the tacit cooperation of Turkey, Qatar, and others. ISIS is reported to be using poison gas from the stockpile that Saddam Hussein never had. Or something.
As some wise person said, political movements go in one generation from idealism to corruption. From ML King to Al Sharpton -- and it’s still called the “civil rights” movement. But Sharpton and his ilk, like Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan, do not believe in “civil rights” for everybody. They have twisted civil rights into a Civil Wrongs, bent on revenge for black slavery that ended in the United States in 1865 with Lincoln’s Emancipation Declaration. And when Islamist Boko Haram steals three hundred black children from Nigerian villages, right in front of the world media, Al Sharpton blames the Republicans.
Like the Civil Rights Movement, if feminism was ever really believed by its public leaders, it is now dead, deceased, and gone to meet her Maker.
Like the Monty Python parrot, feminism is no more.
Mr. Praline: 'E's dead, that's what's wrong with it!When Naomi sold her soul to the oil sheikhs of Qatar, Great Mother Gaia, who knows all, officially registered feminism as a dead parrot. This time Naomi was selling out to the biggest propaganda channel in the Arab world, Al Jazeerah. No dollar figures were mentioned when Naomi sold out, but world famous radical feminists don’t come cheap. Whenever Al Jazeerah pauses for “a word from our sponsors” you can imagine the Sheiks of Araby, now more bloody-minded than ever, laughing it up.
Owner: No, no, 'e's uh,...he's resting.
Mr. Praline: Look, matey, I know a dead parrot when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now.
Owner: No no he's not dead, he's, he's restin'! Remarkable bird, the Norwegian Blue, idn'it, ay? Beautiful plumage!
Mr. Praline: The plumage don't enter into it. It's stone dead.
Owner: Nononono, no, no! 'E's resting!
Mr. Praline: All right then, if he's restin', I'll wake him up! (shouting at the cage) 'Ello, Mister Polly Parrot! I've got a lovely fresh cuttle fish for you if you show...
Qatar is a phallic peninsula protruding from the Arabian Desert into the Gulf, less than 50 miles from Iran. You can think of Qatar as a dead parrot, too, because it will flop over just as soon as the Islamic Republic of Iran growls. When Iran gets nukes, Qatar will surrender first, because they have no choice.
Next door to Qatar, in Saudi Arabia, oil megabillionaire Waleed bin Talal has just sounded the alarm that the Gulf’s unique monopoly power over OPEC is crumbling. Huge new sources of usable hydrocarbons are being discovered all over the world. Take away the monopoly, and the power flows back to the market.
The United States has just passed Saudi Arabia as the biggest producer of liquid hydrocarbons in the world, including liquid natural gas. Frantic drilling is going on all over the world, in countries that never thought they had substantial energy resources, including China and Brazil. That Texas breakthrough in fracking technology is bringing down the Islamic oil weapon month-by-month and year-by-year.
Here’s a prediction. You know all those magnificent skyscrapers pointing at Allah in heaven in Dubai, the Abu Dhabi, and Qatar?
When OPEC breaks down, their owners will have nothing left to sell. Their oil will still be there, but the price will go down to a new world level, set by oil abundance, not scarcity -- not even artificial scarcity through phony Green propaganda.
The oil weapon is bound to droop like that dead parrot, and it’s happening faster than anybody expected. The sheikhs have had fifty years of miraculous good fortune, thanks to John D. Rockefeller and the internal combustion engine, and now they will have a lot less.
They have used their historic gift of money and power to whip up hatred and war throughout the Middle East (see the invaluable website They have trained a hundreds of Wahhabi radical imams to infest the West, leading to major suicide bombings in London, Madrid, and New York, weekly car burning riots in Paris, and the imposition of a privacy-invading State throughout the modern world.
You and I cannot write a private email anymore, because the FBI and NSA insist on programmed backdoors into our ISP’s. In Britain, every single email is subject to snooping, and we know from history that such absolute prying powers are always abused. Obama has already openly abused the IRS, with flippant disregard for our freedoms and personal privacy. When he finally leaves office, chances are that he’ll carry a thumb drive in his pocket, with all that NSA information that used to be cherished by normal people as private and personal. If J Edgar Hoover could use blackmail to stay in control, so can Barack Hussein Obama.
So the Sheikhs have used their billions to spread hatred and war, mostly killing fellow Muslims, but also Coptic Christians, Kurds, Yazidis, and whoever they consider to be infidels or apostates. To the 80% of Sunni Muslims, all Shi’ites are apostates. To the 20% of Shi’ite Muslims, all the Sunni’s are apostates, and deserving of death. This information is presented to three-year old toddlers in Gaza and Iran, and wherever radical Islamists rule.
On the Iranian side of the Gulf they are making a nuclear bomb with their oil money. But let OPEC break up, with the price of oil going down to world levels, and the money for nukes will go poof! Those arrogant skyscrapers pointing to the heavens will turn into ghost towns. It’ll be the story of the Tower of Babel all over again.
In Tehran ten years ago, a 16 year old teenage girl named Ateefah Rajabi Saaleh was sentenced to death by hanging. Her crime was to be raped. Her rapist got away scot-free, as is customary in the Islamic Republic, because Ateefah shouldn’t have been wherever she was when she was brutally attacked. When her sentence for being raped was pronounced, Ateefah took off her shoes and threw them at her judge. In response to this insult to Allah’s Justice, she was sentenced to hang until dead.
How about that, Naomi?
This is a problem for Al Jazeerah’s biggest feminist star, Ms. Wolf, who has responded with paranoid conspiracy talk. ISIS murders are just staged for the social media, says Naomi.
But there’s nothing new about ISIS, as its good folks told the world this week. When ISIS butchers, rapes and kidnaps children, women, and other innocents, it does so strictly according to Islamic law (the source has been deleted from Scribd, but it’s easily available on the web).
ISIS commits mass rape, including its own fresh recruits, because Allah commanded the Muslims to rape infidels in order to avoid the sin of adultery.
The headline reads “ISIS says that enslaving families of the apostates such as the Yazidi and taking their women as concubines or sex slaves is a “firmly established aspect of the Sharia.”
Now liberals like Naomi Wolf could have found out about the desert patriarchy that with five minutes of library research. None of this is new. In European history it goes back to the first famous epic, the Song of Roland, describing the last stand of the knight Roland against the Saracens, who were Muslim warriors from North Africa.But Naomi didn’t want to know the truth, and today she is stuck with her reputation crashing -- but not fast enough for me. Wolf has not resigned from Al Jazeera, so she continues to pump out mendacious propaganda to keep the oldest and cruelest patriarchy in the world free to rape and abuse half a billion women.
None of this is new. Only the near-universal stultification among liberals is new. And as long as the Sheiks can buy up our media companies -- we only have five major ones in the United States -- they will sell those lies to millions of airheads who should know better.
It’s not just Naomi Wolf who is directly complicit in the most massive crimes against humanity since Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot. No, she is hardly the only one. This administration is chockfull of them.
Well, Naomi has made her own bed. Now she can lie down in it, and let similar ignoramuses around the world take notice of her fall from grace.
Conservatives around the world should do everything in their power to make sure the lesson of Naomi Wolf are learned by her fellow suckers as soon as possible.
It is the only way civilization can survive: By pointing out the suicidal cultural sabotage liberals like to commit every single day.
Go to it, and save your civilization.
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