Sweden: Woman is raped twice outside Muslim asylum facility – police refuses to describe attackers
Read this report on a double rate by Muslim gangs roaming around outside their asylum centers. The police is refusing to release any details of the perpetrators.
There’s a huge contrast to this willing silence on Muslim immigrants when it comes to the native Swedes. Just read this article from The Local where Swedish police had no restrictions to blast out the name of a victim of an attack. The victim in this case was himself a criminal and actual native Swede and former rapist, Niklas Lindgren, known as ‘Hagamannen’. When the former criminal was an actual Swede ALL descriptions, even his name, his past criminal activities and clear frontal police handout pictures were quickly published without any delays:

The second rape occurred just outside Bert Karlsson’s asylum accommodation Hotels Mälarblick.
Was raped twice by different men by Bert Karlsson’s asylum hotels
Published 24 August 2015 at 15.33Fria Tider
During Sunday nigh a woman was attacked and raped on Tosterön in Strängnäs. When she fled from the rape, she was raped once again by other men outside an asylum accommodation center – all within the space of an hour.
Asylum accommodation is located next to Tosterö bridge.
According to the local newspaper Eskilstuna-Kuriren, “initiated sources” claim that the woman was raped twice outdoors. When she fled following the first rape she was attacked once again by “other men”, according to the newspaper.
Lars Liwenborg in Sörmland police confirm that the information is true.
— “I can’t go out with more than the Eskilstuna-Kuriren has told you. There are two events that have been notified,” he told the Fria Tider.
He would not comment on how many suspected offenders were involved.
— “I can say that these are two different events with approximately one hour apart.”
The first rape of the woman must have occurred at Tosterön. The second rape took place between one o’clock and half past one in the connection to the Tosterö bridge, which leads to Strängnäs Centre.
Nearby there are two asylum centers run by Bert Karlsson’s tax-funded asylum company Jokarjo AB, one of them, hotel Mälarblick, located right next to the scene of the crime. Whether they have any connection to the rapes, Lars Liwenborg not respond to.
— “It is one of those terms that is impossible to answer at present because the investigation has just started.”
He would not go out with the descriptions of the perpetrators that the woman gave the police.
“It’s nothing we will go out with at the moment.
The police will during the day, keep questioning the woman and other people.
— “We have no suspect yet. We’ve been working with this issue since last Sunday and today it is Monday, so we have not yet been able to find someone who can be reasonably suspected. But we’re working on it,” says Lars Liwenborg.
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