U.S. Nuclear Plants In Cross Hairs:Militant Islamic Jihadis Set Their Sights! Electrical Grids Alike. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
FIRST and foremost, those who still hold out hope that the global ambitions of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists can be “tempered” – in any way, shape, or form – will rue the day. Not only that, future generations will hold said PC fantasists to account, as will history. Mark these words. Moreover, regardless of all their genuflection and prostration, trust, they too will end up in the rubble. Six feet under.
AND if anything is illustrative of said hallucinatory behavior, look no further than to how some mentally besieged folks in Sweden reacted to the carnage in Brussels:
Swedish women are showing their support for Islam by taking selfies in hijabs after the Brussels bombings.
MORE tellingly, Sweden has been deemed the “rape capital of the west” due to the aforementioned barbarians. Thus, what would motivate them to demonstrate any “sympathy” for said religion and culture which breeds them??
ATOP said insanity, the Islamist-in-Chief opined:
In the wake of deadly terror attacks in Brussels, US President Barack Obama stated that it was important to avoid measures that might “stigmatize” Muslims-Americans – but the Republican presidential candidates did not agree.
In his weekly media address, President Obama responded to the double attack in Brussels that left 31 dead and approximately 300 wounded. Two of the dead and 14 of the wounded were American citizens. The Islamic State (ISIS) took responsibility for the attack.
Obama said that targeting Muslims would be “counterproductive”.
“[Muslim-Americans are] our most important partners in the nation’s fight against those who would wage violent jihad. That’s why we have to reject any attempt to stigmatize Muslim-Americans, and their enormous contributions to our country and our way of life,” Obama said. “Such attempts are contrary to our character, to our values, and to our history as a nation built around the idea of religious freedom. It’s also counterproductive.”
“It plays right into the hands of terrorists who want to turn us against one another — who need a reason to recruit more people to their hateful cause,” Obama added.
ALAS, what else can be expected from a POTUS whose allegiances belie a combined force of revolutionary Marxism AND Islamic-centrism?
BUT never mind. It doesn’t excuse Americans (westerners) whose faculties are intact, yet, they still believe his (and others of like-mind, regardless of their high profile bully pulpits) outright lies and historical revisionism….”enormous contributions to our country and our way of life??” Bull sh-t.
THAT being established, in the not too distant future, upcoming attacks will consign its enumerable predecessors akin to the “good ole’ days.” Yup, you read that right.
STILL yet, before we segue to the ultimate act of jihadi-induced barbarism, do recall the shrill alarm bells emitted in Sept. 2015 via “Allah’s soldiers probe U.S. fiber optic cables; California’s electrical grid the “testing” ground:
PATRIOTS, there have been over 14 “probings” (a higher count is more likely, even though not on the radar) within California’s electrical transformer substations, including the severing of fiber optic cables, since 2013. How many are aware of this? In fact, aside from a few notations here and there, this has been a non-story. Why?
NOT only that, California has become their “trial-run” state of choice, and it is not for nothing.
Here’s the deal:
MOST know that the Mexico–United States border runs from Tijuana, Baja California, and Imperial Beach, California, in the west to Matamoros, Tamaulipas, and Brownsville, Texas, in the east. To this end, both states are “hot spots”, in so far as preps for this and that. As is said, location, location, location!
NOW, while Islamists infiltrate into Texas – mostly with the assistance of narco-terrorists – they tend to stay burrowed for future operations. Suffice to say, this assessment has been confirmed by certain counter-terror contacts, those whose boots are actually on the ground in Texas. Elsewhere alike. By the way, there is no point in challenging the burrowing aspect.
ON the other hand, California is a live-wire state, no pun intended. There are several reasons for this, but one stands apart. The fact that a preponderance of Texans (aside from Austin and Dallas, liberal/left bastions) hold their Second Amendment right as sacrosanct, well, it’s a calculating jihadi factor to keep the “cuttings” centered in California…..

(You go girl…..)
YOU see where this is going? In any case, it leads us to the LATEST fiber optic “probing” in California:
The seriousness with which the FBI and AT&T are treating the severing of fiber-optic communications cables in the San Francisco area indicates the sabotage could have been a dry run for a terrorist attack.
This according to a leading homeland security and terrorism expert who has been sounding the alarm about imminent threats to the U.S. electric grid, some with the capacity to destroy the nation’s infrastructure.
Peter Pry, a former CIA officer, is executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, both congressional advisory boards. He also served on the Congressional EMP Commission, the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission and the House Armed Services Committee…continue reading….
MIND you, there have been additional (recent) attempts/probings at the national grid, but this investigative journalist was asked (ever so politely) by highly trusted U.S. counter-terrorism contacts to stay mum as to its specificity. Understood.
SO with the above firmly implanted in mind, why would anyone raise an eyebrow about Allah’s soldiers ultimate target in Brussels, its nuclear power plants? And what about two (those that are known) nuclear plant employees who joined ISIS, while another was shot dead after detailed surveillance of his exact movements?
MURKY, eh?
AS repeatedly stated at this site, within various interviews, and at “closed-door” meetings, America is the PRIME sight in their cross-hairs, and with Israel as a domino-effect target. As to Europe, it is DOA.
Edwin Lyman, senior scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists, told The Daily Caller News Foundation that an attack on a nuclear power plant could have catastrophic consequences, but also, thankfully, require extensive knowledge of the target.
“A terrorist attack on a nuclear power plant could conceivably result in an event as catastrophic as a severe accident like Chernobyl or Fukushima,” Lyman told The DCNF in an emailed statement. “It’s not clear to me what information they could glean from the surveillance of the home of a nuclear official alone, unless they were planning to kidnap him and extract information.”
It wouldn’t be the first time terrorists have considered an attack on a power plant. Several attempts in countries such as Argentina, Russia and South Korea have failed. The 9/11 Commission Report also reported that Al Qaida’s original plan included U.S. power plants.
Dr. Oz Lyman examined the potential damage an attack on the Indian Point nuclear power plant 35 miles outside New York City could do, in a 2004 study. If it resulted in a core meltdown and a large radiological release, as many as 44,000 people would die short-term, and another 500,000 long-term.
The economic damage would be trillions of dollars.
“Significant damage to the reactor core or spent nuclear fuel resulting in a large release of radioactivity that could expose the public to serious harm and contaminate a large area for decades,” Lyman told The DCNF. “However, in order for such an attack to be successful, terrorists would need to have some knowledge of the vulnerabilities of the primary and backup safety systems at the plant they are targeting.”
If attackers were to get through the extensive security that surrounds U.S. power plants, it wouldn’t take long to successfully strike.
“[They] would have to evade or defeat security for a period of time sufficient to damage enough equipment that core or spent fuel damage could occur,” Lyman said. “As little as a few minutes if the attacking force knows what it is doing.”
Radioactive material was stolen in November from a facility in Iraq owned by a U.S. company. The U.S. Department of State does not think ISIS obtained the material, but experts say the material could result in fatal injuries with enough exposure.
“If they left it in some crowded place, that would be more of the risk, if they kept it together but without shielding,” David Albright, a physicist at the Institute for Science and International Security, told Reuters. “Certainly it’s not insignificant. You could cause some panic with this. They would want to get this back.”
ADDING more fuel to an impending American (western) hell-fire – that is, if MASSIVE pre-emptive destruction is not heaped, post-haste, upon both ISIS at large and onto TOP Islamic leaders, wherever they may be – the following truth-telling is self-explanatory:
Todenhofer, who previously was an MP in German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU party before turning to journalism in 2000 as a war reporter, spent ten days with ISIS.
He was overseen during his visit by “Jihadi John,” the ISIS terrorist from the UK named Mohammed Emwazi who gained fame in gruesome beheading videos.
According to the journalist, the West is unprepared for ISIS. He writes that “the terrorists plan on killing several hundred million people. The west is drastically underestimating the power of ISIS.”
ISIS intends to get its hands on nuclear weapons, says Todenhofer, calling the group a “nuclear tsunami preparing the largest religious cleansing in history.”
AND just in case anyone still believes that this is all “conspiracy talk”, well, here’s a related tidbit for the “doubting Thomases”:
ON several occasions, beginning in 2013 and up until the first quarter of 2016, the aforementioned counter-terrorism contacts clued me into some frightful intel. Again, exact details can’t be revealed, suffice to state that radioactive material – that which is specific in its use to widely disperse dirty bombs – has gone “missing” from several U.S. campus labs where nuclear engineering is TOP draw. For added heft, let’s just say that a few of their foreign students (from Islamic-majority countries….go figure), with citizens alike (again, guess which religion they adhere to), are hide nor hare.
IN any event, there is none so blind as those who refuse to see!
{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}
{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}
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