Gerard Perry has an excellent essay on the
“shortsightedness of Pamela Geller’s media lynch mob” here. Read it all.
Freedom Of Conscience (Stand With Pam[ela])
By G. Perry, American Rattlesnake, April 26, 2016

For those of you who still laboring under the misimpression that Islam is not at war with the West-including the presumptive Democratic nominee for President-I have some shocking news.
It turns out that the followers of Mohammed have other ideas. The plan
to assassinate free speech, counterjihad activist Pamela Geller-which
was, thankfully, thwarted through the work of the FBI and a tactically
placed drone strike-was simply one of many plots devised by
jihadist networks which have agents inside of the United States.
Networks that have yet to be penetrated by American human intelligence and which now have a steady supply of recruits thanks to horrifically misguided immigration policies.
What should continue to infuriate those of you who have been paying
attention-which includes nearly all of our readers-is the way this issue
is being framed by willfully ignorant and/or malicious hacks within the
enemedia. A typical example of journalistic malpractice can be found in the Daily Mail, which-as Robert Spencer points out-has
the strange distinction of being the newspaper most preoccupied with
the Islamification of Europe while simultaneously denying that Islam
itself is a problem. Apparently, the target of at least 2 known
assassination plots provoked her would-be murderers by publicly dissenting from the dogma espoused by the Fourth Estate’s favorite religion. A religion which is unique in enjoying blanket immunity from criticism.
Perhaps that has something to do with how adherents to the Religion of Peace deal with legitimate critiques of their faith. A pattern of violence and coercion that can be traced back to the founder of this religion, who himself didn’t countenance
rational criticism. This campaign of brutality and intolerance has been
so successful that it has silenced all but a few courageous voices in
the West, which in turn makes it that much easier for Jihad Central to
hunt down its intended targets, a reality that hasn’t been lost on Mark Steyn.
It has also, to all intents and purposes, turned the mainstream media,
ranging from commercial and public broadcasting networks-both radio and
television-cable news, most national and regional newspapers, and
incredibly powerful websites into mouthpieces for the most retrograde, illiberal ideology known to man.
One wonders if the people asserting that Pamela Geller “provoked”
these Islamic bombs-duds, fortunately, in this case-feel the same way
about Gerard O’Neill and Dick Lehr.
Did they provoke mobster James Bulger Jr. through their critical
investigative reporting into his murderous criminal empire? What about controversial author and radio host Howie Carr? Was the grizzled Irish mobster nicknamed Whitey justified in his attempt to eliminate Carr
for his insolence? Employing the logic used by the regressive left to
slander Geller and her allies in the counter-jihad movement, one would
have to come to that ineluctable conclusion.
What’s perplexing is the implicit assumption that by blackening the
name of notorious “Islamophobes” and trying to preempt any public
debate on the nature of Islam these journalists are assuring
their own safety, which could not be further from the truth. The idea
that you can somehow preserve the institutions of Western civilization
for yourself while eroding them for your perceived enemies-who actually
believe in and exercise those values, unlike your reactionary Islamist
allies-is a staggering form of cognitive dissonance. The brutal,
globally shared execution of non-right wing, non-Islamophobic journalist
Steven Sotloff should have demonstrated this, if the murder of dozens of other journalists, NGO workers, and even an Israel-hating, Italian Marxist, did not. Somehow, the rather elementary notion that you can’t compromise
with people who demand your complete and utter submission-up to and
including your own death-hasn’t penetrated the minds of those who man
North American and European news desks.
The collective amnesia these individuals must suffer from is astounding to contemplate. I would recommend reading The Camp of the Saints,
a grim portrait of the future of the West, but I doubt it would have an
impact on their minds, which seem predetermined to ignore any portions
of reality which conflict with their view of human nature. Then again, there’s always the chance that some will come to their senses. If so, perhaps Pamela Geller won’t be our Cassandra. If not, we have a bleak future, and many regrets, ahead of us.
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