Tuesday, September 13, 2016

9/11, Jihad, and Islam: Our Security Depends on Acknowledging the Connections

9/11, Jihad, and Islam: Our Security Depends on Acknowledging the Connections

Fifteen years ago today, September 11, 2001, the United States experienced mass murderous, cataclysmic acts of jihad terror. Islam, via its most effective historical instrument of Islamization—jihad war—attacked the U.S. seeking destruction of its economic (Wall Street), military (The Pentagon), and political (Capitol Hill) nerve centers. The worst—and most dangerous—enduring legacy of the 9/11/01 trauma is the stubborn, self-righteous denial by our political, military, religious, “academic,” and media elites of this irrefragable truth. Presidents Bush II and Obama, along with their most senior leadership and advisory staff, and those partisans outside their administrations who incessantly opine on these matters (even when “confronting” each other across the partisan divide), have uniformly embraced, and continue to embody, this mental aberration of Islamic denial.

The crux of what these bipartisan leadership elites have till now, negated, to the great detriment of our national security, was characterized, succinctly by a towering figure in the annals of Islamic jurisprudence, historiography, and “proto”-sociology, Ibn Khaldun (d.1406). Citing Islam’s canonical texts—the traditions of Islam’s prophet, Muhammad or “hadith,” and the Koran itself—Ibn Khaldun explained how jihad terror was central to the Islamization process.

Muhammad said: “War is trickery (deceit).” [Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Numbers 267/268/269]One understands Muhammad’s statement: “I was helped through the terror (that befell the enemy) [Sahih Bukhari, Book 4, Volume 52, Hadith 220; Koran 3:151/8:60/33:26] … The same fact explains Muhammad’s victory with small numbers over the polytheists during his lifetime, and the victories of the Muslims during the Muslim conquests after Muhammad’s death. Allah took care of His Prophet. He threw terror into the hearts of the unbelievers… Terror in the hearts of their enemies was why there were so many routs during the Muslim conquests


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