Tuesday, September 13, 2016

9/11 Moment of Silence Moved Up Because Obama Got Bored

9/11 Moment of Silence Moved Up Because Obama Got Bored

Give the man credit.

At least this time around he didn't hurl the wreath, offer a latte salute or hold his hands over his crotch during the Anthem or any of the other wonderfully patriotic behaviors he has become so known for.

Sure he was bored with a Moment of Silence for a bunch of Americans. It's not like they matter. Now if they had been Muslims, it might have been another matter. Or left-wing heroes. But they were bourgeois scum. People he is forced to care about in public, while despising and persecuting the rest of the time.

So time to get that moment over with so he can talk on.
A source close to the situation told TheDC that Obama arrived early to the memorial service — which took place at the Pentagon — and wanted to get things started early.
A Department of Defense official confirmed that the moment of silence was moved up a few minutes and that Obama was the one who made the decision, saying the president “moved early.”
After the moment of silence, President Obama gave a speech about the need to honor the 3,000 victims of September 11.
And what better way to honor them than by freeing more Al Qaeda terrorists from Gitmo, as Obama is doing.

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