Thursday, September 15, 2016

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s Pandering to Islamists

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s Pandering to Islamists

Wed, September 14, 2016
Trudeau at an ISNA event (Photo: Facebook)
Trudeau at an ISNA event (Photo: Facebook)
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s penchant for pandering to Islamists was on full display this week when he visited the Ottawa Muslim Association’s mosque Monday whose lead imam is a member of group which has been designated as a terrorist organization abroad.

Trudeau visited the mosque in honor of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha.

The Toronto Sun reported that the Ottawa Muslim Association is led by Samy Metwally, who, according to the mosque’s website, is a member of the International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS).”

IUMS was founded and is led by Yusuf al-Qaradawi, one of the most influential extremist hate preachers in the Muslim world and the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Qaradawi has been banned from entering France, the U.S. and the UK.  After the downfall of Egypt’s Islamist and Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated President Mohammed Morsi, Qaradawi posted a video online calling on all Muslims from all over the world to go to Egypt and wage jihad with their lives to restore power to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Subsequently, a “red alert” for his arrest was issued by Interpol, the international police agency.
In 2014, the United Arab Emirates joined Egypt and Saudi Arabia in banning the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group.

In 2012, Trudeau addressed Islamists an event sponsored by IRFAN-Canada, a group described by the Canada Revenue Agency as “an integral part of an international fundraising effort to support Hamas.”

The next year, as leader of the Liberal Party, Trudeau made an appearance at a Ramadan iftar (break fast) dinner at the Islamic Society of North America’s Islamic Centre. ISNA’s parent organization in the U.S. was listed by the U.S. Justice Department as an “indicted conspirator” in the largest terror-funding case in U.S. history.

Saudi Arabia is major funder of the organization. The late King Fahad gave $5 million to the organization and an annual grant of $1.5 million to its center in Toronto.

After an audit of the organization’s finances, it emerged that more than $600,000 earmarked for the poor was used to pay perks to family members of its top officials and diverted to private businesses.

Also, as explained by Tarek Fatah, ISNA has been an active promoter of sharia [Islamic law] in Ontario’s Family Law Courts. Its representatives have defended polygamy and refused to renounce the doctrine of armed jihad or the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood in Canada.

The list could continue. However, it is enough to say that Canada has a healthy and active community of non-Islamist Muslim human rights activists with whom Canada’s prime minister could express his solidarity, including Raheel Raza, of Muslims Facing Tomorrow, Tarek Fatah and Tahir Gora.

In addition to these activists and their organizations of these activists, Canada has a population of over a million Muslims and hundreds of community centers across the country.

Surely, the prime minister could find one of those centers populated by Muslims not associated with Islamists to deliver his message.

As history has shown us time and time again, pandering to (read: appeasement of) Islamists doesn’t work.

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