Sunday, September 4, 2016

Dr. Wafa Sultan: "There is no such thing as Islam and 'radical Islam'"

Dr. Wafa Sultan: "There is no such thing as Islam and 'radical Islam'"

Victor LaszloRebel Commentator

In her first public appearance in over five years, Syrian born psychologist, Dr. Wafa Sultan, gave a presentation at the "Can Islam coexist with Western Civilization" conference that took place at the Luxe Hotel, Sunset Blvd.  in Los Angeles on August 21st.

For those not familiar with Dr. Sultan, this video from 2006, where she put an imam firmly in his place on Al Jazeera, rocketed her to notoriety.

The Conference was sponsored by:
The American Freedom Alliance
Posts at The Rebel with the other speakers can be seen here:
James Simpson
Daniel Greenfield
Retired Admiral, James "Ace" Lyons
Former US Ambassador to the UN, John Bolton
Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer

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