Monday, September 12, 2016

Iran's Terror Proxy Support Openly Defies Western Pressure

Steven Emerson, Executive Director
September 12, 2016

Iran's Terror Proxy Support Openly Defies Western Pressure

by IPT News  •  Sep 12, 2016 at 9:34 am
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Several high profile Iranian officials recently boasted of the Islamic Republic's steadfast support for terrorist organizations committed to opposing Western interests and the destruction of Israel, according to the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center.
An adviser to Iran's parliament speaker, Mansour Haqiqatpour, bragged that Iran would continue supporting the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) despite ongoing negotiations taking place with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) that seek to curb Iranian hardline behavior. Haqiqatpour referred to Hizballah and Hamas as "freedom fighter" groups, citing Islam and Islamic revolutionary ideology as primary motivations for Iran's state sponsorship of terrorism.
Hardline Iranian factions and leaders accuse the Iranian government of preparing to offer significant concessions in return for the country's removal from the FATF blacklist. Mohsen Kouhkan, an Iranian parliamentarian, referred to the Iran-FATF negotiations as a "Zionist–American plot." In July 2015, Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi insisted that ceasing support for Hizballah in return for an agreement was out of the question.
Since the July 2015 nuclear deal was signed, Iran has expanded its presence in regional conflicts, leading to mounting IRGC casualties. In the last two weeks, six additional IRGC fighters were killed in Syria, including a high-ranking officer. A leader of an Iraqi Shi'ite militia praised IRGC commander Qasem Soleimani's support and confirmed that Shi'ite militias would continue their regional operations after Mosul is cleared of Islamic State fighters.
Moreover, on Sept. 1, an Iranian diplomatic delegation met with Ali Barakeh – a Hamas representative living in Beirut – to discuss Iran's ongoing support for Hamas' violent fight against Israel. Despite notable disagreements since the outbreak of civil war in Syria, predominately Shi'ite Iran continues to court the Sunni Palestinian terrorist organization. The relationship suggests that defeating the Jewish state remains a common objective that supersedes sectarian divisions.
Click here to read the full report outlining recent developments from the Meir Amit Center.
Proponents of the Iran nuclear deal, including many within the Obama administration, argued that the agreement would moderate Iran's behavior. Earlier this year, senior adviser Ben Rhodes even admitted that the Obama administration misled the U.S. public to promote the nuclear deal by falsely alluding to the emergence of a more moderate Islamic Republic. On the contrary, Iran immediately enhanced its support for terrorist organizations, while extremist factions within Iran gained more ground. Though some may debate Iran's long-run trajectory, post-nuclear deal Iran has proved to be even more emboldened to pursue its regional hegemonic ambitions, while more pragmatic Iranian leaders increasingly are silenced.
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