Thursday, September 15, 2016

Mass brawl erupts in Germany after 20 Muslim migrants taunt locals and hurl bottles at police

Wonder when the police start to kill the native Germans,, protecting the hijra invader muslims over their OWN people?  First volleys of civil war in Germany. It will devolve FAST from this point on. islam will retaliate with the "sword". 

Mass brawl erupts in Germany after 20 Muslim migrants taunt locals and hurl bottles at police

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“Neo-nazis”? Are they serious? So anyone fighting back against Muslim attacks, stalking, assaults and harassment is a neo-nazi? Get real! Journalist Allan Hall should be sacked for false reporting. He has managed to brand normal locals into neo-nazi’s to the whole world. Despicable leftist.

Germany torn apart: Mob of 100 neo-Nazis in vicious brawl with 20 asylum seekers who goaded them into violence in latest example of how Merkel’s open-door policy is dividing the country

  • Around 100 far-right men and women attacked some 20 asylum seekers
  • The night of violence unfolded in the east German town of Buatzen
  • Police reportedly pelted with bottles by migrants they were protecting
  • Neo-Nazis are said to have chanted ‘Bautzen for the Germans’ during clash

Refugees and neo-Nazis battled it out on the streets of an east German town on Wednesday night with police fighting to save the migrants outnumbered five to one.

But police said the asylum seekers started the confrontation – and later hurled bottles at the police trying to save them from a beating.

Around 100 far-right men and women attacked some 20 asylum seekers in the town of Bautzen after the migrants taunted them.

It comes as German chancellor Angela Merkel continues to fight for her political life over her open-door policy on immigration with the threat of fresh gains by the right-wing populist AfD party.

Refugees and neo-Nazis battled it out on the streets of an east German town on Wednesday night with police fighting to save the migrants outnumbered five to one
Police said the neo-Nazis were goaded before they began chanting ‘Bautzen for the Germans’ and bottles and fists began flying.

Police charged the groups with truncheons drawn and used pepper spray on both sides.

The violence ended when the young asylum seekers withdrew to their home in the town’s Dresdner Strasse with the mob pursuing them all the way.

Police stood guard at the premises all night in case of further attacks. One Moroccan youth, aged 18, required hospital treatment for a wound caused by bottle which hit him in the face.

Police said the neo-Nazis were goaded before they began chanting 'Bautzen for the Germans' and bottles and fists began flying
Police said the neo-Nazis were goaded before they began chanting ‘Bautzen for the Germans’ and bottles and fists began flying
Police charged the groups with truncheons drawn and used pepper spray on both sides
Police charged the groups with truncheons drawn and used pepper spray on both sides
Police officers stand guard outside the refugee accommodation following the violence
Police officers stand guard outside the refugee accommodation following the violence
Around 100 far-right men and women attacked some 20 asylum seekers in the town of Bautzen after the migrants taunted them
Around 100 far-right men and women attacked some 20 asylum seekers in the town of Bautzen after the migrants taunted them

The ambulance which was taking him away had to turn around and find another route after it was pelted with bricks and stones by the right-wingers.

Police said one local person was also seriously hurt in the disturbances.

Bautzen, scene of a notorious secret police prison in the days when East Germany was a communist state, has witnessed frequent anti-immigrant violence.

In February a hotel planned to become an asylum centre was torched with onlookers cheering and clapping.

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