Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Obama to Veto Bill Allowing Lawsuits Against Saudis for 9/11
issue 333
Obama to Veto Bill Allowing Lawsuits Against Saudis for 9/11
The bill passed Congress unanimously. But Obama will wait until Congress is out of session to 'pocket veto' it. It will then have to be reintroduced yet again. learn more
Only 0.46% of the Syrian refugees allowed into the US over the last year are Christian despite the US agreeing they are suffering a genocide.
US Welcomes 11,491 Syrians, But Where Are the Christians?

Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri used a 9/11 video to try and exploit American racial tensions to recruit more terrorists for his cause.
Al-Qaeda Calls On Black Community to Become Jihadis

The sergeant reportedly screamed at the recruit, “You're going to kill us all the first chance you get aren't you, terrorist?”
Marine Drill Sergeant Put Muslim Recruit in Tumble Dryer

Ornella Gilligman, mother of three who tried to explode gas canisters near Paris' Notre Dame Cathedral, was part of an all-female ISIS cell.
‘The Target Was Really the Eiffel Tower': French Female Jihadi

Trudeau should investigate history and he would find it has been tried before. Appeasing Islamists just doesn't work. (Hint: it's because of the ideology.)
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s Pandering to Islamists
Qatari Law School Dean: Terrorism Is Not a Reaction to Polical Injustice
Qatari Professor Abd Al-Hamid Al-Ansari says the Arab world needs to stop clinging to the past and break away from its history of fanaticism.
Alexander Ritzmann, European Foundation for Democracy -- People Fear
"People fear what's in someone's head if you can see what's on their head."
- Alexander Ritzmann
Senior Policy Adviser, European Foundation for Democracy
The Battle for British Islam: Reclaiming Muslim Identity from Extremism
By Sara Khan
Across Britain, Muslims are caught in a battle over the very nature of their faith. And extremists appear to be gaining the upper hand. Sara Khan has spent the past decade campaigning for tolerance and equal rights within Muslim communities, and is now engaged in a new struggle for understanding the urgent need to counter Islamist-inspired extremism. In this timely and courageous book, Khan shows how previously antagonistic groups of fundamentalist Muslims have joined forces, creating pressures that British society has never before encountered. What is more, identity politics and the attitudes of both the far Right and ultra-Left have combined to give the Islamists ever-increasing power to spread their message. Unafraid to tackle some of the pressing issues of our time, Khan addresses the question of how to break the cycle of extremism without alienating British Muslims. She calls for all Britons to reject divisive ideologies and introduces us to those individuals who are striving to build a safer future.
[Re: 'US Welcomes 11,491 Syrians, But Where Are the Christians?']: So...I am not surprised that this Administration does not favor the Syrian Christians, but where is the outcry of the Churches of this nation? Why are they not raising a hue and cry over this?
[Re:'‘The Target Was Really the Eiffel Tower': French Female Jihadi']: How's that unvetted mass migration policy working out for you Europe... I can only hope that things change in the EU and they take control of their external border ...
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