Monday, September 5, 2016

[WATCH] Muslims PISSED Over What Wyoming Patriots Just Did To The Quran

Don't ANNOY the BIKERS,, it's a islam FREE ZONE!!!

[WATCH] Muslims PISSED Over What Wyoming Patriots Just Did To The Quran

A video is going viral after a few badass patriots got together for a little demonstration in order to show exactly what they thought of the religion of Islam. Taking place in Wyoming, what the group decided to do to the Quran – well, let’s just say that Muslims aren’t too happy about it.

The incident took place as Chelsea and Jon Roan, who are members of Americans for a Secure Wyoming, lead what they called a “Ban Islam in Wyoming Rally.” As a functioning mosque is set to plague their community, it’s clear they weren’t there in support of the religion and wanted to make their message heard.

In order to do that, the group gathered in Gillette, Wyoming at Camplex Park in order to voice their opinions regarding what Muslims are doing to this world and America. Although there is a handful of Muslims in Gillette at the moment, Chelsea and Jon decided that the best way to show soon-to-come Muslims that they weren’t welcome was to publicly tear up and burn the Quran.

As one would imagine, Muslims haven’t taken too kindly to the demonstration. Of course, the leftist Mayor of the town, Louise Carter King, has since condemned those who don’t appreciate the outdated Muslim culture in their town and even more recently begged Americans for a Secure Wyoming to “reconsider” the plans to burn the Quran.

[WATCH] Muslims PISSED Over What Wyoming Patriots Just Did To The Quran
Chelsea and Jon Roan burning the Quran (Photo Source: YouTube)

Unfortunately for her, we can all see how that worked out. The left is finding themselves with less and less public support while Muslims continue to commit atrocities and refuse to assimilate.

If Muslims stop killing people and raping women and children in the name of their religion, less people would stand in opposition to their vile ideology. When it comes down to it, Islam is not a safe or conscionable practice for a civilized world – period.

About Robert Rich (3148 Articles)
Robert Rich is a husband, father, and political writer that seeks to defend Conservative ideals and protect the rights of all Americans in the face of an oppressive government. As a hardcore Conservative, he strives to keep in tact what made America so great to begin with and is an avid supporter of gun rights. After all, it is the Second that protects the rest. Feel free to use the link below to “like” him on Facebook.

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