Friday, December 22, 2017

How far are we willing to let this go?

The latest from Dr. Warner

The Open Web as a Civil Right for Voting

Well, the latest purification of the internet just came down on the Jewish Defense League of Canada. Facebook banned them in order to lighten the burden of hate on the web. The tyranny of the Sultans of Silicon Valley is intensifying and there are far reaching effects.

One argument is that Twitter, Google, Facebook and Youtube are private businesses and can do as they please, but I say this goes against the grain of the American sense of fair play and freedom. Here’s why: These internet businesses are so massively large, pervasive and universally systemic in today’s modern world that they behave more like a utility. There is overwhelming evidence these businesses/utilities are manipulating access to information via censorship and repressive algorithms--‘fake search’ and ‘fake filter’.

Ask yourself this: Why is ‘fake news’ bad for us, but when Google provides  ‘fake search’ it isn’t bad? This type of internet censorship is a civil rights violation of our voting privileges because it restricts our access to ideas and speech. As US citizens, it is our right to be properly informed so that we may be conscientious voters. Just sayin’.

A Bitter Lesson

It's looking like the Swedish government is going to raise the age of retirement for Swedes in order to pay for its influx of Muslim migrants.

What the Swedes do not understand is that the relationship between Muslims and Kafirs is determined by Allah, not by Muslims and Kafirs. Allah hates the Kafir Swedes. The Koran says that Kafirs (non-Muslims) are lower than animals and can be deceived. There is no Golden Rule in Islam, only hating what Allah hates and loving what Allah loves.

Islamic doctrine considers the Kafirs' charity as a jizya tax from the Swedish dhimmis. According to Allah, the money is owed to Muslims because the Kafir is to submit to the Believer. The money is part of the submission process.

The Swedes believe in the multicultural ideal that all cultures are equal, but they are fools to think that their ethics are the same as those of Islam. When the Muslims become the ruling majority, the Swedes will learn the bitter truth, all cultures aren’t equal in Islam.

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The Muslim Brotherhood's Plan for America
Frank Gaffney interviews Dr. Bill Warner

Volunteers Needed!

Muslim Demographic Project

Pew Surveys have revealed a great deal about Muslim beliefs across the globe. But the surveys are broken down by country or region. The goal of this project is simple:  Use the information from Pew surveys to compute *global* statistics on crucial questions about Islamic belief and practice. 
Such questions might include:
  • How many/what percent of Muslims approve of terrorism?
  • How many/what percent of Muslims want to impose Islam on others?
  • How many/what percent of Muslims believe that apostasy should be punished by death?
  • How many/what percent of Muslims support sharia? 
The method is statistically simple. It just takes some time and few interested people to look up population stats for the countries included in the survey and tabulate the results.   At least one volunteer will need proficiency in Excel.

Please contact me if you are interested.

Providing you with weapons for the current ideological war.

The Doctrine of Slavery
An Islamic Institution

The Doctrine of Slavery is a fascinating study of the ideology that supported the world’s largest slave culture and still sells slaves today.
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The Foundations of Islam
A Self Study Course

Islam has a detailed doctrine of Christians and Jews. This book gives you all of the mental and emotional landscape that lies behind what a Muslim says.
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Various Formats & Volume Discounts Available
"This is a must purchase for anyone who can read and is interested in saving our western culture..."
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Member's Only Online Learning Community
The membership to this program offers one year's access to the CSPI Method which includes my books, in electronic print & audio formats, within a private, members-only community. If you are confused about Islam and want to learn about the political doctrine that concerns you and other non-Muslims,

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