Steven Emerson,
Executive Director
June 29, 2018
Are Elected Politicians Legitimizing Terrorist Front Group?
by Steven Emerson
IPT News
June 29, 2018
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In jumping to appear
before cameras and rallies to condemn this week's Supreme Court ruling on
President Trump's travel ban, several elected Democrats empowered and
legitimized an Islamist group whose leaders continue to engage in radical,
incendiary speech.
At a rally Tuesday that was well covered by national news outlets, at
least seven Democrats from the House and Senate spoke and shared the dais
with Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Executive Director Nihad
Awad. CAIR also was among the rally's 50 sponsors.
As we have repeatedly reported since 2009, the FBI has a formal policy prohibiting "outreach" – or communication
outside of investigations – with CAIR due to its documented roots in a
Hamas-support network created by the Muslim Brotherhood.
"[U]ntil we can
resolve whether there continues to be a connection between CAIR or its
executives and HAMAS, the FBI does not view CAIR as an appropriate liaison
partner," then-Assistant Director Richard Powers wrote. That policy
remains in effect.
But that didn't stop Rep.
Barbara Lee, D-Calif., Rep. Joseph Kennedy III, D-Mass., Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind., Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va.; Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, and Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn. from participating in
the CAIR co-sponsored rally.

Blumenthal exchanged a lengthy greeting with Awad (in the video, look
behind the speaker at the two men spotlighted).
An FBI surveillance tape caught Awad attending a 1993 meeting of Hamas members and
supporters in Philadelphia plotting how to "derail" U.S. peace
efforts between Israelis and Palestinians. The group's opposition was
rooted in the Oslo Accords' provisions which included recognizing Israel's
right to exist, and its elevation of the secular Palestine Liberation
Organization, which would marginalize the Islamist Hamas terrorist group.
Awad also is included in a phone list of the Brotherhood's "Palestine
Committee" members, along Hamas political leader Moussa Abu Marzook.
"I am in support of the Hamas movement," Awad said during a panel discussion at Barry University in
1994. He repeated his support for Palestinian terrorist groups
during a 2004 Al-Jazeera interview.
"I truly do not condemn these organizations," Awad said. "I will condemn them only when I see that
media outlets are requiring the heads of Jewish foundations in America to
condemn Israel for its treatment of innocent people; for killing people
whether in Lebanon, Qana, or Palestine; for bulldozing their homes; and for
their flagrant human rights violations.
"We do not and will not condemn any liberation movement inside
Palestine or Lebanon."
Awad's lieutenants sometimes go even further. Zahra Billoo, executive
director of CAIR's San Francisco Bay chapter, defended Hamas rocket attacks
against Israel.
"Blaming Hamas for firing rockets at [Apartheid] Israel is like
blaming a woman for punching her rapist. #FreePalestine
v @KathlynGadd,"
Billoo tweeted in November 2014.
She also compares Americans who join the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to
those who join ISIS.
"Both ISIS and the IDF are violent, immoral gangs. They're literally
baby killers," Billoo wrote
in May.
CAIR Los Angeles Executive Director Hussam Ayloush expressed the same sentiment weeks earlier.
"Do you know how many hundreds of Jewish American kids are
recruited to join the Israeli occupation army?" Ayloush said. "No one has ever established a CVE program
to see why normal American kids leave their homes to become part of an army
committing war crimes... They go to the American Muslim community, although
the number of Muslims who join ISIS and Al-Qaeda is ... tiny."
Billoo has a strong phobia of Jews with whom she disagrees. She expressed the horror of
running into "Zionists war mongers from @AIPAC" in elevators on
Capitol Hill during her participation in the US Conference of Muslim
Organizations (USCMO)'s lobbying effort in May.
Despite its dubious history and record, Blumenthal has maintained a long relationship with CAIR's Connecticut
chapter and its former Executive Director Mongi Dhaouadi. Dhaouadi believes
that Palestinian violence against Israeli civilians is not terrorism.
"Resisting the occupation is NOT terrorism it is a legitimate right
of defending one self from your land from real terrorists i.e. IDF,"
Dhaouadi wrote.
And a year ago, he shared a video from Abdel Majeed al-Zindani,
considered a spiritual leader both to al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula and
Osama bin Laden, on his Facebook page.
The old joke says "the most dangerous place in Washington" is
between a politician and microphone. And it's a given that Democrats would
want to be seen condemning a court ruling upholding Trump administration
policy. But awareness also is key. Either the seven from Tuesday's rally
didn't bother to read the list of sponsors or they saw CAIR was among them
and thought that was just fine.
Either scenario is unacceptable.
Related Topics: Steven
Emerson, travel
ban, protests,
Awad, Richard
Blumenthal, Cory
Booker, Barbara
Lee, Joseph
Kennedy, Andre
Carson, Don
Beyer, Mazie
Hirono, Palestine
Committee, Hamas,
Billoo, Hussam
Ayloush, Mongi
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