Thursday, February 5, 2009

CAIR strikes back

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CAIR Strikes Back

Dear Solsticewitch13,

In the past seven days, evidence surfaced that the FBI was
off its primary contacts with CAIR
(the Council on American-Islamic Relations), after CAIR
refused to address FBI questions about CAIR’s
relationship to Hamas (a designated terrorist organization).

Then, five members of Congress
sent a letter to other members of
Congress entitled “Beware of CAIR,” citing the evidence that the
FBI had severed ties with CAIR.

CAIR has responded in its predictable fashion – attack the
messengers. The commentary below, from the website of
SANE (Society of Americans for National Existence),
includes the response letter that CAIR sent to
Congresswoman Sue Myrick, co-chair of the House
Anti-Terrorism Caucus. One line in CAIR’s letter is telling:

“If enduring these baseless attacks from you is
part of God’s
price for freedom, we embrace them.”

Playing the victim, or in this case, the martyr, s a common tactic
among Islamists. In CAIR’s world, any critique or criticism of
no matter how reasoned or documented, is anti-Muslim

For CAIR to claim that allegations against it are “baseless”
well, baseless.

Why would the FBI finally make the decision it did to
sever ties
with CAIR if there was no basis for doing so? Why would
the Justice Department list CAIR as an unindicted co-conspirator
in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial if there
was no basis for doing so? Why would an FBI agent, testifying
under oath during that trial, label CAIR as a front organization
for Islamist extremism if there was no basis for saying so?

The answer is they wouldn’t.

by SANE Staff, Thu, February 05,
2009, 08:00:AM

Available files:
CAIR Scare Letter to Cong Sue Myrick

When Representative Sue Myrick learned that the FBI had severed its
connections with and ties to CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic
Relations, based in Washington, D.C., she understood the significance
of this event. On the one hand, the US Attorneys prosecuting the Holy
Land Foundation for Relief and Development (the largest Muslim
in the US post-9/11), CAIR Texas officials and others for materially
supporting terrorism in the Middle East had taken the unprecedented
step t
o publicly identify CAIR, ISNA, and other such groups as unindicted co-
conspirators in the HLF criminal trial. On the other hand, members
of the F
BI would use CAIR as a sounding board for the "Muslim community"
notwithstanding the lack of any evidence that CAIR represents anyone
much less a "Muslim community" known largely for its lack of community

As a result, Rep. Myrick, who is deeply involved in counterterrorism issues
in Congress, wrote a letter outlining this new awareness by the FBI to
congressional colleagues. (See here, here, and here for the fallout
from the FBI decision to cut ties with CAIR and Rep. Myrick's letter to her
colleagues warning them of CAIR's nefarious beginnings, middles,
and ends.)

As a result, and almost precisely on cue, CAIR went on the offensive
in an abject display of desperation. In the midst of their explanation
that they are just a "civil rights organization"
defending the downtrodden
and oppressed among Muslims in America, they launch into a personal
attack on Rep. Myrick, and this organization, SANE.
(The letter is available above in pdf format for download at the unique url
this entry.)

What CAIR has done here they have done before and will continue to do in the

SANE, David Yerushalmi, Rep. Myrick, Robert Spencer, Stephen
Coughlin, Dr. Andy Bostom, Frank Gaffney, Brigitte Gabriel, Ayaan
Hirsi Ali,
Tawfiq Hamid, and many others, have taken on the difficult but critically
important task to identify precisely the Enemy Common Threat Doctrine
which animates the worldwide jihad against unbelievers and the West

This doctrine is of course Shariah or Islamic law. This doctrine commands
faithful to engage in the conversion, subjugation or murder of those who
resist Shariah's call for submission to a worldwide hegemony called a caliphate.

CAIR's approach to public discourse on this subject, however, is to take
writings out of context and to conceal the careful and thoughtful analysis of
Shariah and to distort that body of work into a caricature of simple anti-Muslim

We have responded to this ad hominem approach in broad strokes here
but for
those interested, the more telling response to CAIR is to simply quote two
of the most authoritative and "mainstream" Shariah authorities in the world.

has written a book on how a "good" Muslim ought to behave while living
among the infidels in the West. In that book, published in 1999 in English
and available on, Usmani wrote:

I am in receipt of your esteemed letter. Whatever you
have written about Jehad can be summarized as this “If a non-Muslim
state allows for preaching Islam in its country, Jehad against it does
not remain lawful.” If this is what you mean, my humble self does not
agree with it. Obstruction in the way of preaching Islam does not mean
only a legal obstacle, but greater power or domination of a non-Muslim
state against Muslims is by itself a great obstacle in the propagation
of Islam. There are no legal restrictions in most of the countries today
on preaching Islam, but since their grandeur and authority is established
in the world, it has led to developing a universal feeling which forms a
greater obstacle than the greatest legal binding in the way of free
propagation of Islam.
For this reason the most important purpose of Jehad is to break this
grandeur so that the resulting psychological subordination should
come to an end and the way of accepting the Truth become smooth.
As long as this grandeur and domination persists the hearts of people
will remain subdued and will not be fully inclined to accept the religion
of Truth. Hence Jehad will continue. The Qur'an said in Sura Tauba:

Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the
idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and
besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent
and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their
way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

Here, killing is to continue until the unbelievers pay Jizyah [subjugation
tax on non-Muslims] after they are humbled or overpowered. If the
purpose of killing was only to acquire permission and freedom of
preaching Islam, it would have been said “until they allow for preaching
Islam.” But the obligation of Jizyah and along with it the mention of
their subordination is a clear proof that the purpose is to smash their
grandeur, so that the veils of their domination should be raised and
people get a free chance to think over the blessings of Islam. Imam
Razi has written the following commentary on this verse:

The purpose of “Jizyah” is not to let the unbelievers
stay in their contumacy against Islam but sparing their lives to
give them a chance for a time during which they may hopefully get
convinced of the truth of Islam and embrace it. So when an
unbeliever is given time wherein he would be observing the respect
and honour of Islam, and hearing the arguments of its validity, and
also observing the baselesness of disbelief, these things would convince
him to turn towards Islam. This, in fact, is the real purpose of legalizing

According to CAIR and it's national leadership, the most important and authoritative
Shariah authority for them and their Muslim Brotherhood associates is
Yusuf al-Qaradawi. Mr. Qaradawi is well known for his fatwa ordering
the mujahideen of Afghanistan and Iraq to murder American combat soldiers
and civilian contractors. He has also issued a fatwa authorizing the
suicide-murder of any Jew in Israel--man, woman, or child. He is
quoted from Al-Jazeera t.v. as follows:

Oh Allah, take your enemies, the enemies of Islam. Oh Allah, take the
Jews, the treacherous aggressors. Oh Allah, take this
profligate, cunning, arrogant band of people. Oh Allah, they have
spread much tyranny and corruption in the land. Pour Your wrath upon
them, oh our God. Lie in wait for them. Oh Allah, You annihilated the
people of Thamoud at the hand of a tyrant, and You annihilated the
people of 'Aad with a fierce, icy gale. Oh Allah, You annihilated the
people Thamoud at the hand of a tyrant, You annihilated
the people of 'Aad with a fierce, icy gale, and You destroyed the Pharaoh
and his soldiers — oh Allah, take this oppressive, tyrannical band of people.
Oh Allah, take this oppressive, Jewish, Zionist band of people. Oh Allah,
do not spare a single one of them. Oh Allah, count their numbers,
and kill them, down to the very last one.
If CAIR were interested in a real discussion of these matters, as they
suggest in their letter to Rep. Myrick, they have lacked neither
opportunities nor platforms. Instead, they engage in the rankest form of ad
hominem and issue statements denouncing "terrorism" and the murder of
"innocents" and the need for "justice" in the world. But anyone who
has spent any time studying this Shariah propaganda understands it for
what it is. All of the Shariah authorities, including OBL (who is not
himself a Shariah authority), issue the same pronouncements because, per
Shariah, jihad is not "terror"; the "killing of infidels" is not the "murder
of innocents"; and "justice" is only achieved, as Mufti Usmani and Sheikh
Qaradawi tell us ever so clearly, when Shariah-Islam rules the world and
CAIR and its minions can shed their western disguises and apply
Shariah's rule of law without apology or ruse and dominate all others who
continue to resist Shariah-Islam.

NB: Full disclosure: CAIR isolates on David Yerushalmi because he is
representing several African American Muslims who are suing CAIR in
federal court for racketeering, fraud and other crimes.


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