Thursday, February 5, 2009

FSM Security Update: 2-05-09 *How About those Women Suicide Bombers in Iraq? Let’s Ask Matt Damon!*

February 5th
BHO tells Fox News, "I screwed up!" Impending Obama meltdown. SF paper: Hey, Obama, this isn't Chicago! Jacoby: Money for nothing! (Must read!) WSJ on Obama's moralizing tone. Will BHO be the "fastest failure ever?" Morris: Inflation ALERT!


Exclusive: How About those Women Suicide Bombers in Iraq? Let's Ask Matt Damon!

Pam Meister

Why would Muslim women turn to suicide martyrdom after being raped?

New U.S. Office of Muslim Brotherhood News Portal Interviews U.S. Congresswoman

The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report

Is this interview with a U.S. Congresswoman indicative of an effort by the global Muslim Brotherhood to influence U.S. policy?

Exclusive: Bailing the Failing

Tom McLaughlin

Will Democrat Big Government fix our economy? I'll answer that question by asking another: Has it fixed public schools?

Exclusive: Arab Translation vs. Interpretation - Is There a Difference?

Susanne M. Reyto

Western countries have accepted meanings for certain words, but the Arab world's understanding of the same words may be entirely different.

Today's Blog Topics

Conservative Groups Declare Obama's Stimulus Bill a War on Prayer
On Hardball: '100,000 People Dead' Because of 'Creepy' Cheney (Video)
How Much Is $1 Trillion? $1 million a day since the birth of Christ (Video)
Unreal Stimulus
Nancy Pelosi - Dumb Quote Of The Day (Video)
RFK Jr.: Hog farmers worse than bin Laden (Video)
Obama wants U.S. nuke arsenal slashed 80% !!
UN Population Fund Leader Says Family Breakdown is a 'Triumph for Human Rights.'
Rep. Keith Ellison Attends Ugly Pro-Hamas Rally In Minnesota

NEW! Caption Contest February 5-10

Will your caption come in at number one?

Today's Message to Young Entrepreneurs: Get a Nice, Safe Government Job Instead

Newt Gingrich

Are we teaching young Americans to forget about self-reliance and just depend upon an all- encompassing government for their needs?

Janis Gold Must Die - Takes Place Between 2p.m. and 3p.m.

"24" Moran Recaps

Are we going to have to put up with Janeane Garafolo's character much longer?

From Bonhomme Richard to the Space Shuttle Columbia

Maj. W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

Military Milestones: from Bonhomme Richard to the Space Shuttle Columbia.

A Stimulus for African Security

J.Peter Pham, PhD

American national interests in Africa require a recommitment to strengthening and expanding of U.S. security cooperation with the nations of the continent. How do we go about it?

Navy honors civilian journalist for saving Marine's life

Army Staff Sgt. Joy Pariante, Marine Corps Press

During Operation Iraqi Freedom, many journalists proved their patriotism with outstanding acts of courage. This is the story of one brave correspondent.

Today's Hot Topics: 2-5

We choose, you peruse.

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