Monday, February 9, 2009

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Just One Thing: Education About Islam

Posted: 08 Feb 2009 11:57 AM PST

WE REALLY don't need to concentrate on anything else until this first thing is done: educate the people, get better at educating the people, and give them practical things to do with their motivation once they are educated.

The list we have at is something you can use to help educate people. For example, you can encourage them to
sign a petition or divest terror, and while you're explaining why it's a good idea, they will be learning a lot about Islam.

Had more people been aware of Islamic supremacist doctrines and the third jihad, there would have been more support for the efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, and we would have been more forceful in insisting their governments prevent Shari'a from worming its way into their laws.

We have many decisions to be made, new policies to instigate in the United States and all free countries. We need to change immigration policies, policies to stop madrassas from teaching hatred, policies to stop building mosques and preaching hatred in them, policies to eject Jihadis from government positions.

None of these new policies can come about until there is a public will to protect ourselves, and that public will cannot come about until a lot more people are educated. It needs to happen and it needs to happen now.

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