Monday, March 4, 2013

03-04-13: Obama rewards Egypt by releasing $250 million in American aid to Morsi

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·  What traits do Catholics need in next pope? Vatican summons cardinals for conclave


·  Eye-opening report on higher education in America

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·  The stars of the new HISTORY series, The Bible, reveal their own favorite passages from the book.

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·  Dr. Ben Carson Rails against ‘Political Correctness' and Opens up about his Worldview with Glenn Beck - Part 1


·  The U.S. debt limit explained! Satirical film looks at the national debt and how it applies to just one family.


·  Woodward speaks out on White House threat

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·  Maxine Waters Warns 170 MILLION Jobs Could Be Lost Due to Sequestration Cuts - But There's a Huge Problem With Her Estimate


·  How will the sequester impact the military?


·  News piece on leftist groups opposing Geert Wilders and anyone who would listen to him

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·  Dr. Ben Carson Rails against ‘Political Correctness' and Opens up about his Worldview with Glenn Beck - Part 2

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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

Obama's Sec. of State rewards Egypt by releasing $250 million in American aid to Morsi

"The United States can and wants to do more," Kerry said.

Journalism's Jihad Against Journalists

When journalists fail to defend their fellows' freedom of speech against government power, they disgrace their profession. And modern journalism is already in a state of disgrace.

More GOP Governors Drink Medicaid Kool-Aid

Is the last line of Republican resistance to "Obamacare" disintegrating?

Chinese Aggression Shows the Law of the Sea Treaty is Worthless

Confronted with Chinese warmongering however, Secretary Kerry can only spout meaningless platitudes about "forging stronger and deeper relations" with the Philippines.

When Honesty Becomes Optional

Now, the Obama Administration is telling us the government will collapse, the Navy's ships will sink and the world will stop turning if the sequester is allowed to proceed.

No Moderates Please

The Mainstream Media (MSM) get very interested in the Catholic Church when they want it to pick a "more modern" or "moderate" pope.

U.S. warned: Al-Qaida hit-squads coming

breaking news light
Source IDs water, transportation, power lines, cell towers, lawmakers as targets

Bob Woodward is a White House Appeaser

This exchange has all the earmarks of a "journalist" who, rather than being threatened, is being fed a line by the Obama White House and wants more of it.

Not 'Hundreds'--DHS Released Over 2,000 Illegal Immigrants

DHS released from its jails more than 2,000 illegal immigrants facing deportation in recent weeks due to looming budget cuts and planned to release 3,000 more during March.

Rotten to the Core, Part III: Lessons from Texas and the Growing Grassroots Revolt

The liberal monopoly on the modern textbook/curricular market remains unchallenged after a half-century.


Who Needs the Family?

The basic practical functions of the family have been replaced by the nanny state. It is the nanny that takes over the care and teaching of the child as soon as possible.

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