Monday, March 4, 2013

Obama Gives another 450 Million to Muslim Brotherhood: Egyptian MB Party Chairman Sa'd Al-Katatni Calls To Destroy Israel

from ATLAS,,

Obama Gives another 450 Million to Muslim Brotherhood: Egyptian MB Party Chairman Sa'd Al-Katatni Calls To Destroy Israel

Sequester terror? Not if you are the genocidal Muslim Brotherhood. Obama can't protect the nation, "sequester" no dough, doncha know? But he can send another 450 million US taxpayer dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood. Billions, F16s, now this. Got that?

Egyptian MB Party Chairman Sa'd Al-Katatni, In 2006 Clip Posted By Mubarak Loyalists, Calls To Destroy Israel MEMRI

Following are excerpts from a July 30, 2006 statement by Sa'd Al-Katatni, chairman of Egypt’s Freedom and Justice Party, which was posted on the Internet on March 3, 2013:
Sa'd Al-Katatni: "Today, we express the true will of the people, when we say: No to the aggression, no to the destruction of Lebanon, no to the destruction of Palestine, yes to the destruction of Israel."
Click here to view this clip on MEMRI TV.

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