Thursday, May 1, 2014

Eye on Iran: Iran Terror Network Prolific, US Report Says

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JPost: "Iran continues to arm and finance a terrorist network that extends from South Asia to the Horn of Africa, from Iraq to Yemen, and across the Palestinian territories, the US State Department reported on Wednesday, acknowledging US willingness to nevertheless engage directly in talks with the state over its nuclear program. Much of the report, released annually by the State Department to outline threats of terrorism around the world, focuses on Iran's expansive efforts to fund and funnel arms to Islamist organizations, including Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah, which is based in Lebanon but operates worldwide. 'Iran has historically provided weapons, training, and funding to Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups,' the report details, 'although Hamas's ties to Tehran have been strained due to the Syrian civil war.' In its efforts to bolster Hezbollah, Iran considers Syria 'a crucial causeway in its weapons supply route' and has taken an active role in supporting embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad, the US report claims."

Fars News (Iran): "A prominent Iranian legislator deplored the recent sanctions by the US treasury against several companies and individuals who have worked with Iran as a puzzle designed by the Zionist lobby to make idle the ongoing talks between Tehran and the six world powers (the US, Russia, China, France and Britain plus Germany). The remarks by Rapporteur of the parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Seyed Hossein Naqavi Hosseini came after the US Treasury on Tuesday in a statement added several people and companies to its sanction list for their cooperation with the Iranian government. 'The US Treasury's addition of the names of several people and companies to the sanctions list is part of a Zionist puzzle to make the negotiations between Iran and G5+1 fruitless,' Naqavi Hosseini said. The senior lawmaker noted the G5+1 intends to leave the negotiating table through such negative moves, and a puzzle with many different parts has been designed by Israel to this end... 'The Zionists and the westerners know that they will not gain anything in the talks, because the Islamic Republic of Iran will not withdraw from its inalienable right and Iran's negotiating team does not have the right and authority to cross Iran's redlines by any means,' he added."

VICE: "A woman in Iran faces public execution for that most heinous of crimes: defending herself against a rapist. Rayhaneh Jabbari, a 26-year-old from Tehran, was scheduled to be hanged two weeks ago for killing her attacker in self-defense. However, after pressure from Iranian human rights groups, the Supreme Court is now reviewing her case for a second time.  Rayhaneh, who was an interior decorator before her arrest, was 19 when Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi-a former intelligence officer and, at the time, a high-ranking member of Iran's government-invited her to his home to discuss a decorating job. When she arrived, she was offered a fruit juice, which forensics later confirmed contained sedatives, that she refused to drink. After blocking a number of aggressive sexual advances, she took a knife from her bag and stabbed Sarbandi in the shoulder in an 'act of self-defense.' Her attacker died from blood loss."
Nuclear Program & Negotiations

Reuters: "Senior diplomats from six world powers met in Brussels on Wednesday to fine-tune negotiating strategy towards Iran with talks on its contested nuclear program entering a crunch stretch before a July 20 deadline... Diplomats have signaled some progress may have been made during three rounds of talks since February on one of the most thorny issues - the future of Iran's planned Arak heavy-water reactor, which Western states worry could prove a source of plutonium for nuclear bombs once operational. But talks so far have made no headway on other major issues, with the sides laying out their broad positions rather than negotiating solutions. Western diplomats warn that gaps between the two sides remain significant and possibly insurmountable. The six nations now must decide what they want to achieve specifically in the next three months to allay their concerns that Iranian nuclear work has underlying military purposes."

Sanctions Relief

WSJ: "As the U.S. on Tuesday targeted a Chinese businessman accused of selling missile parts to Iran, it also quietly lifted sanctions from a Greek shipping company it said last year had helped conceal Iranian oil sales. The U.S. Treasury Department said in a notice filed by its Office of Foreign Assets Control that it removed sanctions from Libra Shipping, a company based in the suburbs of Athens. Treasury said in March 2013, when it designated the company for sanctions, that Libra Shipping operated vessels bought by Dmitri Cambis, a Greek businessman it targeted for helping Iran evade international oil sanctions. A Treasury spokeswoman said OFAC removed sanctions only from Libra Shipping, 'based on a determination... that circumstances no longer warrant' its blacklisting. '[Mr.] Cambis, as well as other entities and vessels previously blocked in connection with [Mr.] Cambis, remain blocked,' she said, without commenting further."

Trend: "Iran plans to supply 4 million tons of fuel to ships sailing through its neighboring seas in the current Iranian solar year, which began on March 21, 2014. Managing director of the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company, Mostafa Kashkouli said some 2.85 million tons of fuel oil were supplied to ships in the past year, Iran's Shana news agency reported on April 30. Supplying fuel oil and gas oil increased by 31 percent and 7 percent, respectively, compared to the year ended in March 2013, he noted. The value of the supplied fuel amounted to $1.5 billion, he added."

Fars News (Iran): "Iran and Italy have decided to increase the number of their direct flights, a senior aviation official announced on Wednesday. 'We plan to increase the number of flights (between the two countries) by singing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in the near future,' Deputy Head of Iran's Civil Aviation Organization Mohammad Khodakarami told reporters on Wednesday. He noted that there are currently six weekly flights underway between Iran and Italy. 'A more suitable atmosphere will be created for the operation of the two countries' airlines through updating the air transportation MoU between Iran and Italy in the near future,' Khodakarami said. He recalled that a meeting attended by high-ranking officials of Alitalia Airline, Italian Embassy officials and officials of Iran's Civil Aviation Organization was held to facilitate aviation cooperation between the two countries."

Sanctions Enforcement & Impact

The National: "Shipping volumes from Iran at Dubai's Jebel Ali Port fell by 300,000 standard container units last year as a result of fresh sanctions imposed on Iran, according to the port's operator. That is equivalent to 16 of the world's largest container ships... 'It took the June [2012] round of sanctions from the US and the EU to really choke trade off in Iran, which fell precipitously,' said Bryan Plamondon, a senior economist for the Middle East at IHS.  Before this, Jebel Ali and Dubai were conducting a busy trade in so-called 'roll-on roll-off' cargo, in which vehicles make one leg of a journey by sea, with 50 per cent of Jebel Ali's roll-on roll-off traffic destined for Iran. 'On the basis of [roll-on roll-off cargo], Dubai is the gateway to Iran,' said Dalibor Gogic, a maritime analyst at IHS."

Trend: "Since the pull out of giant gas companies from Iran following the US-engineered sanctions, Chinese firms such as SINOPEC, SINOC, and CNPCI managed to sign over 10 major oil and gas contracts, worth some $40 billion, to develop Iranian fields. The contracts were all signed during the eight-year presidency of Iran's former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. North Azadegan, South Azadegan, Yadavaran, South Pars gas field's Phase 11, a liquid gas (LPG) production unit, and North Pars development plan were among the mentioned projects. None them have come on stream so far. Iran cancelled its contract for development of North Pars gas field with CNPCI in September 2011. A year later, it also cancelled the contract for development of South Pars gas field's Phase 11 with the same company. The country also cancelled its contract for construction of a 10-million ton LPG production unit with a consortium of Chinese companies in November 2011. Iran signed a 2-billion dollar contract for development of Yadavaran field with SINOPEC Company in December 2007. The Chinese firm was supposed to double the field's output to 50,000 barrels of oil per day by 2013, but it has failed to meet its obligations so far."


AFP: "Iran rejected an annual US report that keeps Tehran on a list of state sponsors of terrorism as reflecting double standards, media reports said Thursday. The foreign ministry was reacting to a State Department report released Wednesday that kept Cuba, Iran, Syria and Sudan on its list of so-called state sponsors of terrorism. The report also highlighted what it said was Iran's role in supporting and funding the regime of President Bashar al-Assad in its fight against Syrian rebels. 'Accusing Iran of supporting terrorism is politicised and based on double standards,' ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham said in a statement reported by the official IRNA news agency. She questioned Washington's anti-terrorism intentions, recalling 'innocent people who fall victim' to US drone attacks in the region as well as 'the turning of a blind eye to Zionist (Israeli) crimes against the Palestinians.'"

Syria Conflict

WashPost: "The months-long effort to dismantle Syria's chemical weapons program has ground to a halt because Syria is holding on to 27 tons of sarin precursor chemicals as leverage in a dispute with the international community over the future of facilities used to store the deadly agents, according to U.S. officials. Having turned over all but an estimated 8 percent of its chemical arsenal to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Damascus missed a deadline Sunday to relinquish the remnants of its arsenal, which are stored in 16 containers in Damascus, U.S. officials said. The OPCW is insisting that a network of tunnels and buildings that were used to store the weapons must be destroyed. The government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has argued that the facilities should be repurposed. 'They're just stalling for time to hold on to some of these facilities,' said a U.S. official familiar with the matter who would discuss the issue only on the condition of anonymity."

Human Rights

FIDH: "On the eve of May 1, 2014, International Workers' Day, the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, an FIDH-OMCT joint programme, is drawing attention to the plight of Iranian trade unionists... On early morning of April 30, 2014, the Iranian authorities detained two trade unionists, Messrs. Jafar Azimzadeh and Jamil Mohammadi, and tried to detain Ms. Parvin Mohammadi. All three are members of the Board of Directors of the Free Union of Iranian Workers. Last year, they organised a petition with 40,000 signatures protesting the worsening conditions of workers and were among the unionists who tried to organise a May 1 demonstration. A number of other unionists were summoned for interrogations last week when they were warned not to go ahead with the May 1 demonstration. Moreover, at least 12 other unionists and labour activists are currently in prison in Iran and a number of others are facing long-term prison sentences merely for trying to organise their colleagues in independent unions."

IHR: "Three prisoners were hanged in the Vakilabad prison of Mashhad (Northeastern Iran) reported the Iranian daily newspaper Khorasan. According to this report one of the prisoners was hanged on Monday April 28, while the execution of the two other prisoners were carried out on Tuesday April 29. All the prisoners were charged with murder and sentenced to 'qisas' (qesas; retribution in kind)... Three prisoners were hanged in the prison of Bandar Abbas early this morning, May 1., reported the Human Rights Organization of Kurdistan (HRO)."

Domestic Politics

Press TV: "Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the Islamic Republic's industrial might will make the world's bullying powers respect the nation. Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks during a visit to MAPNA industrial complex in the city of Karaj ahead of May Day on Wednesday. If 'we stand on our own feet and be strong, they have to respond respectfully and reasonably,' said the Leader, referring to the Western powers. Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized the necessity to depend on the national resolve in an effort to boost the country's economy. MAPNA is an Iranian group of companies active in the fields of construction and installation of energy production machinery. 'We should grow... from within (the country), but... we should (also) be active and influential in global markets,' the Leader added."

Trend: "The Central Bank of Iran announced that the inflation rate for the 12-month period to the first Iranian calendar month of Farvardin (ended on April 20) hit 32.5 percent. The consumer price index (CPI) also stood at 188.5 units in the first month of the current year, which is 0.1 units more than the same month previous year, the IRIB News Agency reported on April 30. The country's point-to-point inflation rate in the mentioned month was 17.4 percent. The point-to-point inflation rate statistics identify the rate of inflation (increase in the of CPI) between distinct points in time, such as inflation rate at the end of a month compared to the inflation rate in the end of same month in the previous year. The Statistical Center of Iran had previously put the mentioned period's inflation at 32.2 percent."

Trend: "Iran's president has announced that the government spends about $1.4 billion per month on the cash subsidies for citizens. The cash subsidies impose about $392 million (based on the official rate of 25,500 rials per each USD) deficit in budget per month for administration, Hassan Rouhani said in a live TV interview which broadcasted on state TV Channel 1 on April 29. Rouhani went on to say that the administration decided to increase the energy carrier prices to eliminate the negative economic effects of the cash subsidies. The prices increased averagely by 50 percent, Rouhani said, adding that it will not lead to serious increase of other goods' prices."

Foreign Affairs

Fars News (Iran): "Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Samuel Santos Lopez underscored that Iran's logical and constructive role in the settlement of the regional problem and its eye-catching capabilities in various arenas have persuaded Managua to put expansion of ties with Tehran atop its agenda. Speaking at a meeting with Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani in Tehran on Tuesday, Lopez underlined the important role of Tehran in the establishment of peace and stability in the region and welcomed promotion of relations in all fields particularly in the field of economy. Lopez arrived in Tehran at the head of a high-ranking delegation on Monday morning."

Opinion & Analysis

Sohrab Ahmari in WSJ: "For May Day, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's Twitter feed has been featuring photos of the ayatollah visiting a factory and tweets like this one: 'Working & endeavoring are respected by #Islam and Islam's attention to #workers' rights & their high status is based on this lofty outlook.' Those sentiments would be jarring to any Iranians whose attempts at organizing labor have run up against the theocratic regime's hostility to workers' rights. Consider Mansour Osanlou, who in 2005 founded the Islamic Republic's first independent trade union, the Tehran and Suburbs Bus Co. Workers' Syndicate, representing more than 17,000 bus drivers in Iran's capital. He won better wages and working conditions for his drivers, benefits that they retain to this day. But the triumphs came at a terrible price: Mr. Osanlou says he was imprisoned, tortured and lost two family members to the fight. In 2011, he was released on bail from his latest and longest jail term, after which he secretly made his way to Turkey and eventually to America. His story, related to me recently at a Persian restaurant in Manhattan, is worth hearing as a window on America's current negotiating partners. Mr. Osanlou was born in 1960 to a working-class family. His father was a technician at the National Iranian Oil Co. and a union man while the shah reigned. 'My family had a history of labor struggle,' Mr. Osanlou says. The shah's regime at various points repressed and tolerated trade unionism. The revolutionaries who overthrew the shah in 1979 were even less tolerant. The new regime set up 'Islamic workers' councils' to replace existing unions, which were banned. The councils were led by regime agents, Mr. Osanlou says, and their rank-and-file members were street thugs and Khomeini loyalists. During the regime's first decade in power, some 500 trade-union activists were executed... After his general-assembly triumph, Mr. Osanlou says, the regime began punishing him with repeated arrests over the next five years. He spent much of that time in cramped solitary confinement. In the summer of 2009, Iranian security forces briefly detained and beat Mr. Osanlou's daughter-in-law, who was one month pregnant at the time; she miscarried. Last year, Mr. Osanlou's brother, Afshin, also a labor organizer, died of a heart attack while serving a prison sentence issued in 2011 for 'assembling to act against national security.' Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Khamenei tweeted on the eve of May Day: 'The outlook based on conflict b/w #workers & employers is shared both by #Marxism & western ideology. #Islam recommends mutual respect.'"

Eye on Iran is a periodic news summary from United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) a program of the American Coalition Against Nuclear Iran, Inc., a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Eye on Iran is not intended as a comprehensive media clips summary but rather a selection of media elements with discreet analysis in a PDA friendly format. For more information please email

United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) is a non-partisan, broad-based coalition that is united in a commitment to prevent Iran from fulfilling its ambition to become a regional super-power possessing nuclear weapons.  UANI is an issue-based coalition in which each coalition member will have its own interests as well as the collective goal of advancing an Iran free of nuclear weapons.

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