Thursday, May 1, 2014

Op-Ed: Has the 'Occupation' Caused Syrian Men to Beat Wives?

Op-Ed: Has the 'Occupation' Caused Syrian Men to Beat Wives?

by Phyllis Chesler
Israel National News
April 30, 2014
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83 per cent of Syrian women reported they are victims of violence inflicted on them by their parents, while 72 per cent cited their husbands and 56 per cent their brothers.
In countless papers, including presumed studies published in the British medical journal, The Lancet, Israel has been accused of causing Arab men to beat Arab women because of the so-called Israeli "occupation."
Books, speeches, and lectures by Jew-hating anti-Zionists have made similar charges. Arab leaders have trotted out Blood Libels such as Israelis are causing sterility among Arab men and women by infecting their drinking water, etc.
Here is a corrective, just in.
Accordiong to Khetam Malkawai, in today's Jordan Times, "almost 88.9 per cent of Syrian women refugees who visited (18) counselling centers in Jordan are victims of violence."


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