Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Bouncy-Castle Salesman Jumped Bail to Be ISIS Executioner

Bouncy-Castle Salesman Jumped Bail to Be ISIS Executioner

Tue, January 5, 2016
The man thought to be Siddharta Dhar, the new Jihadi John. (Photo: Screenshot from video)
The man thought to be Siddharta Dhar, the new Jihadi John. (Photo: Screenshot from video)
The man in the latest Islamic State video billed as ‘the new Jihadi John’ is thought to have been identified by his family in the UK.

The family of Siddharta Dhar, a 32 year old former bouncy-castle salesman, watched the video and recognized the killer’s voice as matching their relative.

“I heard the voice, yes, but I don’t know, I’m not sure of the voice” his mother, Sobita Dhar, said according to The Telegraph. “These are the most difficult questions to answer. I just cannot say. I’m not sure within myself whether it is the truth or not.”

If the match is correct, he travelled to Syria with his wife and four children while out on bail awaiting trial for alleged terrorism offences. He was arrested in 2014 along with radical hate preacher Anjem Choudary, the leader of the banned group Al-Muhajiroun.

Choudary will stand trial next week but Dhar fled the country hours after being granted bail.
The child in the video has been identified as Isa Dare, the son of Grace Khedijah Dare, a Jihadi bride from Lewisham, East London, who travelled to Syria in 2012 and married a Swedish jihadi called Abu Bakr.

The child’s grandfather, Henry Dare, identified him after seeing his picture on the television.
For more information about the Islamic State, see Clarion Project’s Special Report: The Islamic State
WARNING: This edited version of the video contains graphic images:

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