Tuesday, January 5, 2016

VIDEO Shows WILD MUSLIM CHAOS on New Years in Germany, Sex Attacks, Fireworks THROWN at Crowd

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A couple of days ago I broke the story of the Muslim mobs who were sexually harassing scores of young women on New Years Eve in Cologne, Germany.  Bigger media outlets have finally picked it up. And we are now hearing it was over a thousand Muslim attackers. But there’s more. This video shows the wild scene at Cologne Cathedral on New Years.

The NY Times today: “Coordinated”
German officials have announced that about 1,000 young men…were involved in a coordinated attack against at least 90 women in Cologne on New Year’s Eve. The women were harassed, molested, raped and
robbed by the men in an assault authorities described as “unprecedented” in both scale and nature. Police chief Wolfgang Albers said it was “a completely new dimension of crime,” adding that a volunteer policewoman was one of the victims. The assault went unreported for days in most cases ….
Unreported because it was Muslim. The NY Times doesn’t mention the identity of the savages.

German police are hunting for a group of up to a 1,000 Muslim men who are accused of sexually assaulting, raping numerous women and violent chaos at Cologne’s main station.
Brushing sexual assault under the rug, The Local 
More from the Local : Men of ‘Arab background’ were likely responsible for sexual assaults on dozens of women in central Cologne over the New Year, police said on Monday – as a social media storm accused police and media of a cover-up.
Around 60 complaints have been made to the police in Cologne after a group of around 1,000 men attacked revellers in the city centre in a brutal and “completely unheard of” way, Wolfgang Albers, Chief of Police in the Rhineland city said at a press conference on Monday afternoon.
A group of around 500 men between the ages of 15 and 35 assembled at the central train station and in the area of the cathedral before throwing firecrackers into the masses of people celebrating the arrival of the new year.
This appears to have been a means of causing distraction, as during the disturbance groups of young men entered the crowd where they sexually assaulted women and pick-pocketed revellers.
Google translate:
The pictures show the rampant Silvesternacht at Cologne Central Station. At the turn it had come there to shocking scenes. Bangers are uncontrolled thrown into the crowd, carelessly ignited flares.

As a “crime of a whole new dimension,” Chief of Police Wolfgang Albers has designated the multiple attacks on women around the Cologne Central Station in New Year’s Eve. “It is an intolerable state of affairs that the middle of the city such offenses are committed,” he said on Monday. 
According to Albers gathered on New Year’s Eve on the station forecourt about 1,000 men who “in appearance from the Arab or North African region” originate. This could have testified all witnesses unanimously. From the crowd, groups had formed by several men, the women surrounded, had harassed and robbed. 
The police chief spoke of sexual offenses in very solid shape and a rape. Similarly, the police and the police union had previously expressed in press releases (GdP). On Tuesday Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker (independent) has convened a crisis meeting.
The police were to Monday 60 advertisements before, including thefts of bags, cell phones and purses. Investigators from other victims who have not yet been reported.
NRW Interior Minister Ralf Jäger (SPD) reacted sharply to the assaults. “We do not take out that organize North African men’s groups to humiliate defenseless women with brazen sexual attacks”, quoted the Cologne “Express” (Tuesday) the Minister. “Therefore it is necessary that the Cologne police determined consistently and shows a deterrent presence.” 
The police had observed the accumulation on the station square in the New Year’s Eve by own account and let the court eventually evacuate temporarily because firecrackers were thrown into the crowd – the multiple abuse was the officials did not initially noticed. 
The Cologne police has set up an investigation team after the incidents. On Sunday police arrested near the Cologne main train station five men determined that women harassed and travelers should have robbed. Whether they have something to do with the deeds in the New Year’s Eve, is still unclear, according to the investigators.
The GdP reacted in horror at the events. “This is a completely new dimension of violence. This is something we have not know”, the NRW state chairman of the GdP, Arnold Plickert, the German press agency said on Monday. The heavily intoxicated perpetrators were “completely disinhibited and violently” procedure. “If a perpetrator caught in the pants of a civilian police officer”, Plickert reported.
- See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2016/01/video-shows-wild-chaos-on-new-years-in-germany-sexual-attacks-fireworks-thrown-at-crowd.html/#sthash.TkfydvqF.dpuf

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