Thursday, January 7, 2016

Paris: Muslim brandishing knife and screaming “Allahu akbar” shot dead at police station

Paris: Muslim brandishing knife and screaming “Allahu akbar” shot dead at police station

This happened on the first anniversary of the jihad massacre at Charlie Hebdo, and Paris police, the keen students of the criminal mind that they are, have deduced that the incident was “more likely” terrorism than just ordinary criminality.
Paris police station attack
“Man with knife shot dead at Paris police station on Hebdo anniversary,” Associated Press, January 7, 2016 (thanks to Darcy):
Officers shot and killed a knife-wielding man with wires protruding from his clothes at a police station in northern Paris on Thursday, French officials said, a year to the day after an attack on the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo.
Luc Poignant, a police union official, said the man cried out “Allahu akbar,” Arabic for “God is great.”
Just a few minutes earlier, elsewhere in the city, French President Francois Hollande had finished paying homage to police officers killed in the line of duty, including three shot to death in the attacks last January.
A Paris police official said police were investigating the incident at the Paris police station Thursday as “more likely terrorism” than a standard criminal act….
That’s really going out on a limb there, buddy! The guy is screaming “Allahu akbar” and brandishing a knife, and you think it is “more likely terrorism” than standard criminality? What a daring and audacious conclusion!
The neighborhood in the Goutte d’Or district of northern Paris was locked down after the shooting….
Hollande especially called for better surveillance of “radicalized” citizens who have joined Islamic State or other militant groups in Syria and Iraq when they return to France.
“We must be able to force these people — and only these people — to fulfill certain obligations and if necessary to put them under house arrest … because they are dangerous,” he said….
Why should they be allowed to return at all? The Islamic State has declared war on France, and they are combatants in that war.
Cartoonist Laurent Sourisseau, editor in chief of Charlie Hebdo, who is known as Riss, told France Inter radio “security is a new expense for the newspaper budget.”
“This past year we’ve had to invest nearly 2 million euros to secure our office, which is an enormous sum,” he said. “We have to spend hundreds of thousands on surveillance of our offices, which wasn’t previously in Charlie’s budget, but we had an obligation so that employees feel safe and can work safely.”
After the attacks, people around the world embraced the expression “Je suis Charlie” to express solidarity with the slain journalists, targeted for the paper’s caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.
“It’s a phrase that was used during the march as a sign of emotion or resistance to terrorism,” Charlie Hebdo cartoonist Corinne Rey — known as Coco — told France Inter radio. “And little by little, I realized that ‘I am Charlie’ was misused for so many things. And now I don’t really know what it means.”
There’s your problem right there, Coco.

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