Thursday, January 7, 2016

SHOCK: Is the Canadian government screening Syrian refugees at all?

The Rebel

Time and again the Liberals have assured Canadians that there is no need for concern about their rush to bring in 50,000 Syrian migrants.

We have been promised that the government collects bio-metric data on these refugees, conducts extensive screenings, and asks tough questions.

But we at The Rebel wanted to know more. We wanted to do the investigative journalism that we knew the mainstream media wouldn't do.

So we submitted an official access to information request asking about the questionnaire that Canadian immigration officials use to screen Syrian migrants. The response was shocking.

We asked for “a copy of the questionnaire used for interviews with potential Syrian refugees seeking to come to Canada.” Pretty simple question.

But the answer was appalling. You can click here to watch my take on the outrageous response.

The reply we received back said, "Following a thorough search of our information holdings, I regret to inform you that no records were found that respond to your request.”

No questionnaire? Nothing?

There has to be a form, a checklist, something. We know this because we know how the government operates. We know they use standardized data entry fields in their computer systems. On other occasions, top bureaucrats in the department told us that they simply cannot track religious or ethnic minorities fleeing persecution, because their system has no place to put that information.

Meaning, they use specific data entry fields, they use standardized forms.

But now they tell us there isn't one.

So what is going on here? Are they lying to us? Are they playing word games? Is it a form and not a questionnaire and therefore they don't think they have to give it to us? Do they think they can get away with that?

The government is trying to hide something.

But one way or another we will get to the bottom of this. We will find out the truth on what they are screening for, what they are asking, and we will find out what kind of games these officials are playing.

Canadians deserve to know what is going on.

Remember, I'm on your side,

Brian Lilley

P.S. Many of our scoops like the one above come from access to information requests. We submit hundreds throughout the year. It costs us around $5,000 a month. Please help us recoup some of the cost by making a donation right now.

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