Monday, January 11, 2010

01-11-10: Put Homeland Security in Charge of Issuing Visas

January 11th

O'S lonely CSPAN dilemma. Did reverse profiling invite terror attacks? Rove: Obama's fiscal fantasy world. Universal voter registration looming. Uh-oh! Noonan: risk of catastrophic victory - for whom? Was Hillary right about the ‘3 AM phone test?'

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FSM Monday Postings

FSM has had a busy weekend. Please scroll all the way down so that you don't miss any of the new articles, videos and hot topics added since Friday!

A Confluence of Folly (Part One of Two)

D. L. Adams

We stand at a crossroads where denial and ignorance meet rationality and common sense, observing a confluence of errors and incompetence that puts every American at increased risk.

Exclusive: The White House Helps Connect the Dots

Robert Weissberg

Let's take a look at a yet-to-happen history of how the White House's connect-the-dots plan came to pass.

Put Homeland Security in Charge of Issuing Visas

Gregory D. Lee

It's time the State Department get out of the visa business since it is incapable of just saying "no!"

Do you agree? Post your comments - click here

Empowering Iranians to Dislodge the Mullahs

Amil Imani

All signs point to an early demise of the Islamic Republic and the establishment of a secular democracy completely divorced from Islam.

Israelification: The Way to Secure Air Travel

Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, US Army (Ret)

I have traveled in and out of Israel five times over this past decade and have espoused on Fox News beginning in 2001 that theirs is the path to security that we needed to implement.

Video: White House: President Will Not Answer Questions on Terror Incident
Video: Schwarzenegger Accuses Democrats of ‘Buying Votes' On Health Care
Video: CNN talks with McCain and Lieberman about the fight against al Qaeda.
Preparing for the Next Attack
'Scores' of Guantanamo inmates back on battlefield.
Al-Qa'ida trains 20 more plane bombers.
Video: 24 - NEW Season begins in 6 days....
Hero Finally Officially Recognized. Lewis Meyer awarded 2 Purple Hearts.
Video: Liz Cheney's Group Blasts President over Plane Bomb Response
Video: Gripping, inspirational view of Iranian patriots fighting for freedom, equality and democracy
Video: Krauthammer Accuses the President of Addressing Terrorism ‘Casually'

Our Founders Stopped Socialism - You Can Too

Dick McDonald

What can be done to correct the perception that as a nation we are victims of a "collective failure" with respect to our economic decline?

Exclusive: You Can't Make This Stuff Up! (1/11/10)

The Editors

A daily roundup of idiocy, buffoonery and incompetence - courtesy of your government and its enablers.

Egypt Deports Galloway; Viva Palestina Convoy Attracts Hamas Leadership

Steve Emerson

"This is not charity. This is politics."

Terrorism and Health Care - Connecting the Dots

Star Parker

America's unique success comes from freedom and limited government. Government's responsibilities are laid out clearly in our Constitution, which we choose to ignore.

Exclusive: Lies and the Lying Liars Who Are Rewarded For Them

Satire by Shawn Goodwin

How is it possible that some Average Joe can win the title of World Champion Liar when there are so many more notable and more deserving candidates in U.S. government?

Exclusive: Napolitano Still Ignoring Critical Issues Surrounding Visa Process

Michael Cutler

Where is the concern about the fact that an al Qaeda operative had been able to secure a visa for the United States?

Not by Fire, but by Ice

Alan Caruba

Since ice ages and magnetic reversals appear to occur together, it is entirely likely that what we're really looking at is the next ice age and, to make matters much worse, a potential magnetic reversal.

We choose, you peruse.

  1. In Hasan Case, Superiors Ignored Their Worries (AP)
  2. Let's Take Bureaucracy Out of Intelligence (by JOHN BOLTON)
  3. Obama Maintains Confidence in Embattled Treasury Secretary Amid AIG Questions (CMS)
  4. Taking the Measure of Obama's Foreign Policy (WSJ)
  5. The Health Choices Czar (WSJ)
  6. Interagency gaps let bomb suspect retain visa (WT)
  7. Tehran is about to blow! Where's Obama? By MICHAEL GOODWIN
  8. The President's Weakness Is Provocative, And Dangerous (by JED BABBIN)
  9. Geithner asked to testify to Congress about AIG's payouts
  10. Medicare and the Mayo Clinic (WSJ)
  11. The Westergaard Attack: It's All the Same Jihad by Robert Spencer
  12. Administration Underestimated the Immediate Threat Posed by ‘Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula' (CNS)
  13. Delta Employee Reportedly Fired After Speaking Out About JFK Security Breach (FOX)
  14. U.S. Has Contingency Plan for Dealing With Iran, Petraeus Says (BLOOMBERG)
  15. Obama can't say who we're at war with (MARK STEYN)
  16. Yes, Be Afraid - Be Very Afraid (IBD)
  17. Holder's Haste Makes Waste of Intel - Abdulmutallab indictment is a bill of lost intelligence opportunities. By Andrew C. McCarthy
  18. A New Year, a New Terror
  19. U.S. Embassy in Nigeria Had ‘Major Problems,' State Department Inspection Found (CNS)
  20. Obama's havoc to the intel system (WT)
  21. NYC man charged with al Qaeda training (WT)
  22. Detroit bomber 'singing like a canary' before arrest (TELEGRAPH UK)
  23. Airplane Jihad: Muslim Passengers Cause Flight Chaos (ATLAS SHRUGS)
  24. US Republicans call on Senator Reid to quit post (REUTERS)
  25. Venezuela Says Its Jets Intercepted U.S. Plane (WSJ)

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