Monday, January 11, 2010

Mark Steyn, John Bolton, Andrew McCarthy - YOU can watch them live - in 2 days!!

Event Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 @ 8:00 AM ET / 5:00 AM PT

Reclaim American Liberty is a symposium where the economy, foreign policy/national defense, and America's sovereignty will be discussed. We have moved the management of these three vital areas away from their Constitutional moorings, and so the symposium seeks to inform Americans about what went wrong and how we can get our country back on track.

Click Here to Sign Up for live streaming!

Keynote Speaker
Economic Panel
Moderator: Herb London
Diane Furchtgoff-Roth
Peter Morici
Betsy McCaughey
Gary Wolfram
National Security Panel
Moderator: Jed Babbin
Gordon Chang
Andrew McCarthy
General Richard Myers
Lt. Col. Allen West
Sovereignty Panel
Moderator: Midge Decter
Joe Loconte
Mike Mukasey
Claudia Rosett
Mark Steyn

Exclusive: How to Reclaim American Liberty: Live up to Our Responsibilities as American CitizensThe Editors
Have you been asking yourself what you can do to reclaim the principles of liberty that laid the foundation of America? Joining our grassroots coalition is a great start.

The Family Security Foundation, whose web site is, has created a working partnership with the Hudson Institute and Human Events to create the Committee to Preserve American Liberty: a permanent committee whose purpose we plan to initiate with a symposium entitled Reclaim American Liberty.

(Read more by clicking here)

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