Monday, July 5, 2010

Potential Honor Killing Victim Wants Charges Dropped Against Brother, Father

The Phyllis Chesler Organization

Potential Honor Killing Victim Wants Charges Dropped Against Brother, Father

by Phyllis Chesler

Pajamas Media

July 5, 2010

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When a woman's batterer is finally arrested, she is often the first to plead with authorities to let him go. He is her provider, perhaps the father of her children, she "loves" him. More to the point: She is now really afraid that he will kill her because his abuse has been publicly exposed and he has been arrested for it.

When a woman turns to the law—which is there to protect her—she may be endangering herself even further. As powerful as the law may be, criminals do not obey it and police officers cannot be everywhere and at all times. When the law is not looking, the further outraged abuser will exact vengeance. He will kill the woman who turned to the law, who publicly shamed her husband and family.

Read the complete original version of this item...

Related Topics: Honor Killings

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