Monday, July 5, 2010

Sharia Law for Non-Muslims Chapter 4 July 5, 2010

Sharia Law For Non-Muslims


ISLAMIC SCHOLARS CLAIM: The perfect Islamic family law is sacred law since
it is based upon the words of Allah in the glorious Koran and the Sunna of Mohammed.
All other laws are man-made and must submit to the will of Allah; therefore,
only Sharia law is suitable for Muslims. For Muslims to be ruled by Kafir laws
is an abomination.


m3.13 Guardians are of two types, those who may compel their female
charges to marry someone, and those who may not.

m6.10 It is unlawful for a free man to marry more than four women.

m8.2 A guardian may not marry his prepubes­cent daughter to someone
for less than the amount typically received as marriage payment by similar


[Bukhari 3,38,508] Mohammed said, “Unais, confront this man’s wife
and if she admits committing adultery have her stoned to death.”

[Bukhari 8,82,803] Ali had a woman stoned to death on a Friday and said, “I
have punished her as Mohammed would have.”

ml0.4 The husband may forbid his wife to leave the home. But if one
of her relatives dies, it is preferable to let her leave to visit them.

m5.0 conjugal rights, the wife’s marital obligations

m5.1 It is obligatory for a woman to let her hus­band have sex
with her immediately when:

(a) he asks her

(b) at home

(c) and she can physically endure it

[Abu Dawud 11, 2138; 2139] Muawiyah said: Apostle of Allah, how should we
approach our wives and how should we leave them? He replied: Approach your tilth
(tilth is a plowed field, a term for the vagina) when or how you will, ...

The most important thing that a woman brings to the marriage is her vagina.

[Bukhari 7,62,81] Mohammed said, “The marriage vow most rightly expected
to be obeyed is the husband’s right to enjoy the wife’s vagina.”

Allah curses the woman who resists sex.

[Bukhari 7,62,121] Mohammed: “If a woman refuses her husband’s
request for sex, the angels will curse her through the night.”

From the Sira, we have some more about a husband’s rights:

Ishaq 957 Mohammed sent Muadh to Yemen to proselytize. While he was there
he was asked what rights a husband has over the wife. He replied to the woman
who asked, “If you went home and found your husband’s nose running
with pus and blood and you sucked it until it was cleaned, you still would not
have fulfilled your husband’s rights.”


Mohammed, age 51, proposed marriage to Aisha when she was six years old. Marriage
to a child is Sunna.

[Bukhari 7,62,18] When Mohammed asked Abu Bakr for Aisha’s hand in marriage,
Abu replied, “But I am your brother.” Mohammed said, “You are only
my brother in Allah’s religion and His Book, so it is lawful for me to marry

Publication notice: this book is now available to buy on our website HERE.

You can see the entire book on pdf HERE.

Bill Warner, Center for the Study of Political Islam


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