this is called CREEPING SHARIA folks!!!
FOX NEWS’ Bill O'Reilly Praises Hamas-Linked Anti-Semite CAIR Thug
Bill O'Reilly does it again. Not a week after CAIR got Juan Williams fired (for something he said on the O'Reilly show) Bill O'Reilly had notorious Jew hater and subversive Hamas linked Ahned Rehab in his show. Why? And why are the Muslim Brotherhood ties never mentioned or the multitude convictions against CAIR leadership for raising money for Hamas.
O'Reilly will never have Bat Yeor, Wafa Sultan, Ibm Warraq, Robert Spencer et al on his show to speak of Islam (and this is their life work) but an Islamic supremacist thug? Instead he hosts the Rehab CAIRboy. Did O'Reilly mention Hamas, Holy Land, Israel hate, Juan Williams? No. Did O'Reilly let Ahab spew his propaganda and speak down to him? Yes.
This is the umpteenth time O'Reilly has allowed another Islamic supremacist to spread their nonsensical narrative. We are not invited to respond. These supremacists spew on without interruption. When O'Reilly had me on to respond to the fatwa Islamic supremacist and hate sponsor Nihad Awad issued against me (go here to see Awad minute 3:58), he cut me off at every turn (watch that video here). And he didn't call me a "stand up guy."
The thing is, we need to have this conversation and the American people deserve the facts, the concretes.
Joe Kaufman write this:
(New York, NY) On Monday night, October 25th, popular Fox News television host Bill O’Reilly praised CAIR spokesman Ahmed Rehab, calling him a “stand up guy.”
O’Reilly had Rehab on the show to discuss the subject of Muslims.
Not once did O’Reilly challenge Rehab about the Hamas ties of his organization or about Rehab’s anti-Semitism.
CAIR or the Council on American-Islamic Relations was founded by Hamas operatives in 1994, under the leadership of then-global head of Hamas, Mousa Abu Marzook. The U.S. Justice Department has linked CAIR to the financing of Hamas.
Rehab, O’Reilly’s guest, has refused to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist organizations. Rehab has also exhibited anti-Semitic tendencies, claiming that there is a “Jewish control over the media” and that “Jewish film producers… predate on weak minorities by default.”
Last Thursday, Megyn Kelly also had a CAIR rep on her Fox show as a guest. That guest, Ibrahim Hooper, has as well refused to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist organizations.
CAIR's Ahmed Rehab and the use of ridicule
Lipstick? Eye shadow? You be the judge
Islamic supremacists are wholly intellectually bereft. They cannot answer the arguments of anti-jihadists, since anti-jihadists in general simply explicate what is in the Qur'an and Sunnah, and show how jihadists act upon these texts and teachings. So since they cannot engage their opponents on the level of ideas, they instead try to bludgeon them into silence. They do this either by ignoring us altogether, or by engaging in the Alinsky tactic of ridicule -- which allows them to adopt a posture of superiority, but only reveals their utter intellectual exhaustion and desperation.
Examples of this abound. Most recently, Islamic supremacist metrosexual Ahmed Rehab of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a group with numerous ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, has responded to my pointing out a lie he told about never ducking debate with adolescent ridicule and abuse rather than substance.
Rehab's refusal to engage his opposition's arguments is a sign that he feels keenly his own intellectual vacuity. He knows that in light of it he can do nothing but ignore, mock, or try to bully people who speak the truth. Even the Soviet Union under Stalin was confident enough that its own people were sufficiently cowed, and that it had enough useful idiots among the intelligentsia abroad, that it was able to mount high-profile show trials of dissenters and Stalin's political rivals in the 1930s.
But by the 1970s and 1980s, the Soviet regime had grown sclerotic, and had lost the assurance that its own people were still terrorized enough to keep silent, or that it could still count on a foreign intelligentsia willfully blind enough to defend the regime. And so instead of mounting flashy show trials, it packed off its opponents to mental hospitals under the cover of darkness. They simply didn't exist any longer. It was an effective tactic in the short run, as it certainly silenced their opponents of the day; in the long run, however, it was an expression of exhaustion, an admission of defeat.
But as Rehab, his fellow Islamic supremacist metrosexual Reza Aslan, and others practice these tactics, the implicit admission rings louder and clearer all the time: they have no arguments. They can't really explain away what's in the Qur'an and Sunnah -- the long-winded "refutations" and "proofs" that Islam is really a Religion of Peace™ are rendered hollow every day by the jihad news worldwide: if "Islamophobes" are really misunderstanding the peaceful teachings of Islam, then coincidence of coincidences, so are innumerable Muslims, including Islamic clerics and scholars, in exactly the same way.
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