As warnings of terrorist attacks are being sounded across the Western world, Iran keeps spreading its tentacles filled with anti-West poison. President Ahmadinejad paid a warm visit to Lebanon, inspiring support for radical Islam and terrorism, and slamming the United States of course. While solidifying support, he even called Lebanon “the university for jihad.”
And beyond the dangerously conflict-ridden Middle East, Ahmedinejad is making strides in Latin America. Political, economic, and even military ties are getting stronger, especially with Venezuela. Learn more about suspicious partnered activities, like the mysterious Iran Air-Conviasa flights and its Hezbollah passengers, below.
Iran is clearly not letting up, but gaining strength with each day as it sponsors terrorism and spreads venomous hatred. Our mission to educate the public is becoming increasingly pressing. Our team is working hard on a groundbreaking documentary called Iranium that exposes the frightening Islamic ideology motivating Iran’s leadership and the nuclear threat scenarios lurking in the minds of worried world leaders. We can’t do this alone. As fellow citizens who want a safe and happy world, we need you to share the responsibility. Scroll down to our “take action” to see how you can help.
This is dedicated to the brave Sri Lankan maid who had 24 nails hammered into her body by her Saudi employers— see clip below. “Human rights organizations say this type of abuse is all too common.” Crazily, it’s quite some common factor across Middle Eastern Muslim countries, Iran and Saudi Arabia being prime examples.
The Rape of Lebanon
By Sarah Stern |
This week, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in Lebanon to throngs of thousands upon thousands of cheering supporters who threw candies and rose petals at his passing motorcade.
In a highly symbolic move, the Iranian leader went to Bint Jubail, just four miles north of the border with Israel, a southern Lebanese village that was bombed during the 2006 Second Lebanon War…Ahmadinejad, in a triumphant spirit, called Lebanon “the university for jihad.”
…Lebanon and its freedom-loving citizenry have been thoroughly raped by Iran and its terrorist proxy, Hezbollah.
This tiny country and the suffocation of its beautiful, yet fragile, Cedar Revolution movement is a tragic example of Iran’s sweeping appetite for hegemony, and an abject test case of what awaits the rest of the Middle East, and the free world as we know it, if Ahmadinejad is not stopped.  |
Iranian Incursion
By Peter Brookes |
Everyone is going there: The Russians, the Chinese—even the Europeans. That’s right, Latin America is hot with its abundant natural resources, especially energy, and the potential of emerging markets. Unfortunately, the Iranians are looking to make their mark in Latin America, too. You know, the Middle Eastern country that has the suspicious nuclear program, is the world’s most active state sponsor of terrorism and represses its people—yes, that Islamic Republic of Iran.
It’s pretty much a given that an Iranian presence won’t be a welcome addition to the neighborhood for us. Tehran is brewing up some serious trouble for Washington, looking to develop a string of strategic distractions for America in its own hemisphere, including establishing close friendships with the region’s anti-Yanqui, radical, populist Left. And nowhere is that more apparent than in Venezuela.
Cozy in Caracas: One of the most visible displays of Tehran-Caracas ties is in the relationship between their heads of state: Venezuela’s caudillo President Hugo Chavez and Iran’s inflammatory President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The two presidents have not only visited each other’s capitals perhaps more than a dozen times in recent years, they’ve also publicly proclaimed their personal proclivities for the other by bestowing their nation’s highest honors on one another.  |
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- Write a letter to the editor or Op-Ed for your local newspaper, raising awareness about radical Islam’s dangers and concerns. Awareness is the first step to action and this shows decision-makers that we know about the problem and it must be dealt with, not shoved under the rug. Browse the well-organized subjects on and choose an angle to write about.
SPECIAL: Get the film Obsession: Radical Islam's War against the West for only $5 per DVD in a cardboard sleeve, which significantly reduces shipping costs-- especially when buying in bulk for resale. The documentary features images from Arab media, rarely seen in the West, and reveals an insider's view of the hatred that radicals preach, their incitement of global jihad, and their goal of world domination. Click here to watch trailer and read more. Show it to your family and friends and gain a perspective of the Middle East issue.
Clip - Radical Islam's theory of justice?
Frightening images, be careful.
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The Third Jihad
Radical Islam's Vision for America
is a documentary that alerts Americans to the danger radical Islam poses to the United States and to Western civilization as a whole. | Watch The Third Jihad Trailer |
| About, the flagship education tool of the Clarion Fund, was developed to spread awareness about the threat of Radical Islam in the United States and to provide practical response tools. The portal acts as a social networking tool, uniting individuals across America to take a stand against Radical Islam. Users are encouraged to express themselves through comments on website blogs. also has a live-blogging presence on Twitter: No2RadicalIslam. |
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